Chap-56 " Bold jisoo"

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*jisoo pulled away making tae pout*

Jisoo: tae have these medicine.

Tae: what...I just had that injection...

Jisoo: yeah but these are for your concussion so take them.

*she handed the tablets to tae and he gulped them*

Tae: bitter I hate eating tablets.

Jisoo: I have something for you.

Tae: what??

Jisoo: tada! Chocolate have this and your bitterness will turn into sweetness.

Tae: just like my life changed after you came into my life.

Jisoo: woah....your becoming too flirty these days.

Tae: how can I not flirt when I have such a amazing wife.

Jisoo: ahh! I'm melting...... Just like this chocolate, eat it before it melts too.

*tae laughed and took the chocolate and put half in his mouth*

Jisoo: I want to taste it too.

Tae: how-

*before he could say anything jisoo leaned forward and bite the other half of the chocolate from Tae's mouth making thier lips brush against eachother*

Tae was shocked by jisoo's action, his heartbeat started raising and his face turned red. a spark of electricity ran through his body. He gulped the chocolate immediately.

Jisoo: um...sweet.. Isn't it?

*tae coughed*

Jisoo: are you alright??

*she went close*

He pulled her hand closer, his fingers intertwining with hers. Jisoo's pulse raced as he leaned in, his face inches from hers.

The room around then melted away, leaving only the two of them, lost in each other's eyes. The tension between them was raising, the air was getting hot.

Slowly, Tae's lips brushed against Jisoo's, a soft, gentle kiss that sent shivers down her spine. she then kissed him back, their lips moving in perfect sync.

The kiss deepened, their love and passion pouring into every moment. Time stood still as they were lost in eachother, their hearts beating as one.

Finally, they broke apart, gasping for air, their eyes still locked on each other. Tae smiled, his eyes shining with adoration.

Tae: I'm so lucky to have you, Jisoo.

Jisoo: I'm the lucky one, Tae.

Tae: I love you.

*saying that he put his arm around Jisoo's waist and pulled her on to the bed*

He then slowly leaned in and kissed jisoo's neck to which a slight moan escaped from her mouth.

*They both looked into eachother's eyes*

Tae: may I ?

jisoo nodded with shyness and tae smiled and proceeded to kiss her.

*Jisoo was unbuttoning his shirt when Tae's head pained*

Tae: ahh!

Jisoo: what happened??

Tae: nothing....let's continue....

Jisoo: i dont think we should continue, you have to take rest. You had a concussion and the doctor told you to rest properly.

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