love, hate😁part 6

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After one month :
( VD and SD are coming back home and their kids decided to tell them something! Let's see what happens)
First at vaishu,s home ;
( VD entered and saw his daughter with a boy waiting for him wait wait no it's his best friend's son,VD being confused looks at them)
V: dadddd ( hugs him)
VD: hi princess but he!
S: hi sir!
VD: you are Mr kapoor,s son right.
S: you know my dad!
VD : yeah your dad is my best friend.
V: wow dad that's great.
VD: yeah but how do you know him.
V: dad he is your soon to be son in law.
VD: what!!!
V: yes dad I love him and I want to marry him.
VD: No this marriage can't happen!
S: but why sir!
V: yes dad why can't I marry him. I love him and also he is your best friends son.
VD: vaishu if I said this marriage can't happen means it can't! You will marry the boy I choose for you.
V: dad this is not fair! I only want to marry Sid . I love him.
VD: vaishu no more argument on this topic.
( after that VD went to his room and Sid and vaishu went to Sid's home and went to the living room where his dad was sitting with lots of papers )
S: hi da.... dad.
SD: hi ( looks at him and vaishu) you vaishnavi right.
V: yes uncle! Hello uncle.
SD: hi dear! Um you here.
V: actually we want to tell you something.
SD: hm tell i,m listening.
S: da... dad ac..... actually we .... I... We....!
V: we love each other uncle and we want to marry each other.
SD: and that can't happen.
S: bu...but why dad!
SD: because mom already choose a girl for you.
S/V : what!!!
SD: yes and you have to marry her! No matter what.
S: but dad..................................!
( sid was about to say something but stops after getting a glare from his dad)
SD: ok by guys ( leaves from there)
S: what should we do know?
V: I don't know but I tell you one thing I can't say no to my dad.
S: I also can't say no to dad i,m just! Just.....!
V: so scared of him.
S: yeah.
V: hey why don't we take help from our friends.
S: great idea.
( and both of them went to there friends)
Sidnavi : hi guys.
Everyone: hey. What happened with you guys !why are you  looking so sad.
Sidnavi: we want you help.
Semi : what help.
V: our parents said no for our marriage. So we want your help.
Riti : but why.
S: my grandma chose a girl for me already and vaishu,s dad said she have to marry the boy of his choice.
Ashi: so why don't you marry that girl and you marry that boy.
S: ashi pls yaar you just stay silent.
Ashi: as you wish but i had a great idea.
S: what is it! Tell me fast.
Ashi: but you said me to stay silent.
V: he is an idiot! You tell me.
Ashi : ok so the idea is that you marry the boy of your dad's choice and he Marry,s that girl and after marriage annoy them so much that they divorce you by themselves. This way you don't have to say no to your dad and this scaredy cat can also relax. So how is it!!!
V/S : it's great. We loved it. Thanku so muchhhhhh.
(Ashi just giggles at them )
Other side :( VD on call )
VD: so what did you said!
SD: of course I said no!
VD: ok so come to my home. We will go together.
SD: alright I'm coming.
( after some time SD came to Vaishu,s home and then both of them went to Abhineet,s home)
( they reached Abhineet,s home and nocked the door abhi opened the door)
SD/VD: hi son.
A: hi sir ( looks at VD) sir you are Mr rao right.
VD: you know me.
A: who doesn't know you sir.
SD: um can we come inside son.
A: oh i,m such an idiot! I,m sorry sir pls come inside.
( abhi give them way to enter inside and made them sit on the couch in the living room . Then abhi went to the kitchen and came with two glasses of water)
A:( while giving them water) sir you want something else like tea or coffee.
SD: no son ! We are here to talk about something.
A: yes sir.
VD: first can you call your sister.
A: my sister but why!
SD: just call her. It's about her also.
A: alright.
( then abhi went neet,s room and called her after some minutes she cone downstairs)
N: hi uncle! Hi uncle ( said to both of them)
SD: hello dear.
VD: hi dear!
A: so should we start!come neetu sit.
VD: yes so I will come to the point!I want you as my son in law and your sister as Mr Kapoor's daughter in law.
A/N: what!!!
A: sir what did you just said.
SD: he means to say that marry his daughter.
A: me a minor police officer Mr rao no no the MR RAO,s son in law. What kind of joke is this.
VD: it's not a joke son. I really want you to marry my daughter.
A: but why only me! There are thousands of rich boys who can marry her.
VD: that's the reason I don't want a rich son in law. I want a respectful , self made man for my daughter.who can teach her real love, manners and who can teach her that money is not everything.
A: but did your daughter agreed for this marriage.
VD: you don't worry about that, you just tell me if you're ready or not.
A: al..... alright i,m re....ready.
VD: but before that i want to tell you 2 most important things.first that after marriage!you have to live with me because I only have my daughter and I can't live without her and second that she is really spoiled  and mannerless so she will say or do many bad things but you promise me that you won't leave her. Promise me.
A: I promise you that I won't leave her no matter what.
VD: thanks my boy so now your turn ( looking at SD)
SD: oh yeah so avneet i want you to be my daughter- in- law.
( neet doesn't say anything, she was just blank, abhi looks at her and puts his hand on her head and neet looks at him)
A: neetu i won't force you! I just want your happiness. If you don't want to marry it's ok.
N: bhai it,s not like I don't want to marry but after marriage I have to leave you.
SD: it's ok beta. You will have a big family there too. There is me, my wife, my mom and my son and many servants.
A: yes neetu !
N: ok then i,m also ready for this marriage.
SD: neet beta i just want to tell you that my son is same as vaishu so pls don't take his words  on your heart but if he still say something really bad! Tell me ok.
N : ok uncle.
SD: call me dad now.
N:( teary eyes)ok !
( after talking for some time SD and VD left from there and after reaching home they told their kids that who are they going to marry )
S: dad what! You chose that bahenji for me.
SD: sid i,m telling you one thing keep it in your brain always. If I even saw a scratch on avneet! I won't leave you alive so don't you dare to hurt her. You got it. ( glaring at sid)
S: ye... yes da... dad!
SD: good so tomorrow you have to take avneet for shopping.
S: ye... Yes... Da... Dad!
SD: ok then. ( left from there)
And sid was just looking at him going away.

Vaishu side :
V: dad you only find him for me.
VD: why he,s a perfect boy for you.
V: dad he doesn't match my standards.
VD: stop it vaishu. Abhi is a nice boy! Just give him a chance.
V: but dad.
VD: vaishu no more but,s. Tomorrow you will go to his home and take him with you on shopping ok.
V: ( rolled her eyes) alright dad.

Next morning : .......................!

See you in next part!
Let's see what happen next.
Adios te amo guys ☺


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