MOM!! Aish!

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"Yaya! Wake up! wake you even know what time it is!?"

Yup! That is my name "Yaya" it is not even hard to pronounce it! Just Ya and ya Yaya! I know That sound like a nickname but actually that is my real birth name. Alot of people said my name was daebak! Which means awesome or cool, I'm not old or young but I'm a university student, I'm studying to be a Dresser!

Facts about me is that I hate waking up in the morning or people waking me up, but my mom doesn't give a crap about that! she always wakes me up like every single day! whether I have classes or not, she still wakes me up. Is like is her job or something.

"Wake up! Do you even have any idea what time it is now!?" My mom asked me.

"Mom!! Do you even have any idea what day it is today!?" I answered my mom while laying down on my bed.

Like I said before, my mother doesn't care about what day it is, she still wakes my ass up.

"Does it matter?"

When I heard that. I get up and yell "Of course it does!!"
"Mom I have NO! Classes or plans today but why are you waking me up!? Like this isn't even your first time! Mom! You need stop or I will runaway from this house and NEVER come back."

"Enough with your nonsense and get up take a shower and clean the house. Last night you said that you were going to clean before you go to sleep but you never did. So get up and clean this house I have to take your little brother to the toys store, when I get back I want to see everything clean or NO TV and No Phone for you for three weeks which is a whole month okey?"

"MOM!! Three weeks isn't a month...Are you sure you were the best student in your math class!?" I asked my mom because she always talks about how she was the best student in her math class and stuff.

"Are you now saying your mother is wrong about her calculation?"

I fake laugh and said "No I wasn't I was just asking if you were sure about it"

"Well anyways get up and you know what to do" Mom said and leave my room without hearing my answer. Is like she doesn't even wants to hear my voice anymore so she just left like that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2015 ⏰

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