''Crashing the date.''

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As me and Alastor are sitting and eating in the restaurant, the entire astmosphere extremely romantic with candles and sweet scents flying around the restaurant, we are having a great time! Angel relatively feels better than he ever has. No Valentino, no Husk, no Charlies annoying screams. Just him, and Alastor..
Angel glances at Alastor who is seemingly enjoying his second dish: a roasted deer. Angel knew he was a fan of cannibalism, so he doesn't question Alastor's food taste. Instead he turns back to his own dish, and finishes it, wiping his mouth on the napkin.

''Enjoying your food dear?'' Alastor raises his eye from the plate and flashes Angel a warm smile, genuinely seemingly interested in him.

''Yes, it's good Alastor, thanks.'' Angel responds, rubbing the back of his head gently before smiling.

''What is the problem Angel? You have had an uneasy feeling to this place the second we got our food. What is distrupting your evening sweetheart?'' He leans in and swipes a loose hair to the side of Angels head, making him blush severely.

Angel looks behind him and then back at Alastor, swinging his head to the far left, noting Alastor to look behind Angel's shoulder. He then realizes.. It was Valentino with his succubus sluts wrapped around his arms. What was HE doing here? Alastor couldn't understand how Valentino made his way here, since the restaurant is closed up and only special guests could enter. It took him 10 demon kills to even book a place in here for Angel, but Valentino could just walk in? There was something toxic at the end of his tongue about Valentino, but he just couldn't put his mind on it.

''If he comes anywhere near you, I'll personally handle him for you okay? I won't let one bug ruin our night now will I? You just enjoy your meal and let me worry about Valentino for you, okay?'' Alastor holds Angels arm under the table, which makes Angel feel a little bit better, so he turns back to his meal, not really putting his mind on Valentino anymore..


I wrap my arms around my two babes and continue smoking my cigarette, looking around for possible new workers. My eyes glue onto Alastor as I spot him at one of the farther tables. He seems dressed up which covers my mind with questions. I decide to get up and walk up to their table to figure out who he was with. It wasn't usual for him to be with someone. He was more of a lonely person anyways.

My coat caressing the floor as I make my way to their table, my eyes glued onto Alastor the entire time. I lean ontop of the table, still my eyes on Alastor.

''Hello dear Alastor. Who do we have here with you hm? Sorry to bother you two's night but I just couldn't help but come over and see your little friend here-'' I switch my eyes onto the person at the other end only to realize it was my dear Angel cakes.

''Well well isn't this a nice suprise, angel dear.. What got you at this fancy restaurant with.. Alastor!'' I had a rather disgusting tone on my voice when I spelled Alastors name, not at all happy that he of everyone was spending time with my Angel cakes.

''Hello Valentino. Excuse us but we have a night to finish so if you wouldn't mind, could you leave us alone please?'' Alastor asks, making my head turn back to him. I flash him a nasty grin.

''Of course Alastor, but Angel dear..'' I turn my head back to Angel ''Can we talk for a while? Alone.'' I ask, my eyes glued to Angel.

Angel sighs. ''No, if there is something you wanna say you can say to the both of us.''

''Excuse me? Who do you think you a-'' I stop my sentence mid-way as I see people staring at us. I take a deep breath and fix my pose before heading back to my own table. ''You will pay for this tomorrow, Angel cakes..'' My coat caresses Angels cheek as I leave.


I turn to watch as Valentino leaves, my heart rate going atleast 200 miles per hour at this rate. I turn back to my table and calm down, taking deep breaths. I turn to look at Alastor whose expression is filled with rage. I take his hand and smile, making sure he calms down aswell.

''We should get the fuck out of here Alastor.''

''Yeah, I agree.'' He takes my hand and gets up from his seat, securing me in his grasp firmly before walking me out of the restaurant. I could feel Valentinos mad glaze at the back of my neck but it slowly eases as Alastor glances back at him. We make our way back to the hotel and straight to my room, Alastors arm still around my waist as we enter my room.


Angel sits down to his bed, taking off his earrings and jewerly, getting ready to change his outfit and get rid of his makeup. Alastor sits down next to him.

''I'm sorry for Valentino. He kinda ruined our night out.'' Alastor scratches the back of his head before turning to look at Angel.

''It wasn't your fault. Valentino is just a huge privileged asshole.'' Angel rolls his eyes and gets back to getting rid of his jewerly.

''No but I feel lowkey bad for taking you in there. I know what kind of a person Valentino is and based on what you have told me, I'm sorry.'' Alastor responds.

Angel takes Alastors hand and squeezes it gently, smiling at him. ''I said it was fine. Don't worry about me.'' and with that, Angel kissed Alastor right onto the lips, crawling onto his lap, wrapping his arms around Alastors neck, deepening the kiss by the second.

The atmosphere heats up quickly as they make out on Angels bed. Alastors hands on Angels waist, crawling inside his dress, slowly opening the zipper of it, sliding it smoothly off of Angel. He smirks at this and lets Alastor take the dress off..


Next chapter MIGHT or MIGHT NOT be smut, based on if I feel like writing anyy. :D

this took so long for me to write cause I've been VERY busy with my own problems, soo-

Let's see if the next chapter will come out a little earlier now. :(
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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