||Chapter 2||

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Previously: "Oki sir ,I should cuz i need to pack my stuffs ",Anvi said

But he intentionally pulled me and I lost my balance and fell on him .

And when I had that eye contact my eyes locked on him .his mint smell is so f**KING satisfying!!.

Present time
"Hey girl ,I'm here ",Nia said in loud voice to gain attention .

While Anvi was lying down and was totally lost in his eyes .but when she heard Nia's voice . She Excuseed her self and walked to her .

"Thanks for coming in such a short notice ",Anvi thanked her

"Hah never mind btw what was the emergency?",Nia ask

"Oh that ,u know Thyme actually he is alone at home and he don't know cooking nor he eat fast food or anything from outside .so he requested me to cook food for him ",Anvi said in explaining tone

"Oh I got it ,u go I'll take care ",Nia said with this expression 😌

"Yahh bye bye Nia ",Anvi bid the bye .

Anvi left the library as she came out she saw Thyme leaning his head against headboard of the seat .

Anvi smriks at his sleeping figure and slowly sat beside him and took a paintbrush from her bag .

She took the brush to his cheek and brushes his cheeks with paint brush.

Thyme first ignore but later he opened his eyes and saw a female figure beside him .

"U scared me ",he said

"IK ",Anvi giggles

time skips
Few days later
At a spring fest

Giggles*"Ahhhhhhh it so awesome !!",Anvi exclaimed in both fear and happiness

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"Ahhhhhhh it so awesome !!
",Anvi exclaimed in both fear and happiness

"Anshikaaa are u alive ?",Anvi ask with a smrik

"Are u serious?, I was totally dead ",Anshika said with this expression 🙄

"Hehee ",Thyme giggles

"Stop laughing u bastard ",Anshika said in amused face

"Hey u should abusive in a public place ",Thyme said

"U really think we cares and this generation 's kids know more abusing words then us ",Anvi said with this expression 😏

"It's too late we should go home now ",Anvi Said

"Oki I'll drop u ",Thyme suggested

"No I have already booked a cab and it is on the way "Anshika said with this expression 😌

"Well done Senior Dr.Anshika ",Anvi patted her back

"Ik "Anshika started flexing 💪

"After she is my best friend ", A/N said

"So before leaving let's have some ice cream ",Thyme said

"Ofcuz ",Anshi and Anvi gave high five 🫸🫷

"I want blueberry ",Anvi Said

"I want cherry ",Anshi said

"Oki I'll take butterscotch ",Thyme said

"Here ur orders sir ",Ice cream man said handing us our ice creams .

"Oki bye ladies ",Thyme said As he bows to them and walked out

Girls nodes

"Hey let's wait for cab out side" , Anshi said

"Hmm",Anvi hummed

Outside the fair
"Anvi u face us looking funny ", Anshika laughed

"Wait let me check ",Anvi said heading to a car's windows and started cleaning her face with tissue paper

As soon as she was done cleaning her face . Car's window opened reveling a familiar male figure .

As soon as she saw his face her face turned all red . And her eyes widen seeing the same guy whom she saw in library .

He was giving her wtf reaction. While Anvi turned back like a robot and hurriedly headed to Anshika .

"Come on,let's go home ",Anshika said opening cab's door

"Yeah ",Anvi Said

In car
"What happen ",Anshika ask casually

"I saw him again ",Anvi said nor even brother to look at her

"Feels like u got ur frictional man ",Anshika smriks

"Shut up ",Anvi blushed

"He must like this red tint on ur cheeks ",Anshika Said

Anvi's literal reaction :😳

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