Subway Station

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[my headcanons lol. also, no NSFW, don't worry :3]

Poob was sitting on a bench in the subway, their legs swinging gently under them. Pest sat beside them, his usual scowl displayed on his face. Pest made sure to leave space between him and Poob. He knew how touchy they could get.

"Could you cut that out?" he asked with a harsh tone of voice. "It's like you can't stay still for a second."

Poob looked up at Pest and blew their party horn. Pest narrowed his eyes at the noise. "That too."

"Sorry! I'm just really excited. I wonder who's gonna be in the elevator this time!" Poob exclaimed as they grinned happily. They controlled their legs and looked back down at the ground. "Why're you always so grumpy?"

"I'm not," Pest spat, shooting Poob a glare. "You're just obnoxious."

Poob's smile faltered a bit. They'd always liked Pest, but they suspected the feeling wasn't mutual. They hated when Pest gave them more reasons to think that. "Oh... uhm, sorry... how can i stop being so annoying? For you?"

"Just stop talking," Pest answered bluntly. "Maybe there'd be a bit of peace and quiet if you weren't blabbering about random stuff all the time."

Poob pouted, his gaze shifting back down. "Pest...?"


"Do you like bracelets?"


"Oh... I... I made you something..." they said quietly, continuing to stare at the ground. Pest looked over at Poob and raised an eyebrow. "I'm not expecting you to like it or... or anything, but i thought maybe..." they paused, their hands fidgeting. "Just take it." They pulled a small bag out of their hoodie pocket and shoved it into Pest's hands.

Pest looked down at the bag in his hands, inspecting it quietly. He then gently opened the bag and pulled a small red, white and black bead bracelet out.

"It's to match mine... see?" Poob held out their arm and pulled their sleeve up, revealing their rainbow kandi bracelet. "I know you don't like me very much, but I thought you'd appreciate a small gift."

Pest's expression softened at Poob's words. He almost felt guilty... wait, no, he can't. He hates Poob. He hates them, right...?

"I like it," he blurted after a few silent moments. "It matches my hoodie."

Poob's face suddenly lit up and his eyes instantly met Pest's. "Really?! You- You actually like it?!"

Pest chuckled softly and slipped the bracelet on his wrist. "Yeah, it's very sweet."

[i'll be adding more soon! this is my first fanfic, i tried ^^]

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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