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Cooper's POV-
I was walking with My Boyf-Best friend Nico although I call him Neo mostly because in kindergarten he wrote his name and it looked like he wrote Neo so it stuck.

I was walking by out of 3rd period?I think and soon saw Kai and Neo chatting about something.I walked over to them and talked for a bit then soon walk to the cafeteria .Me and Neo led Kai to our usual seats we sat at.

We were sitting at our spots when we heard a "Oh Hey Kai!!"From a ginger haired girl.

"hm?OH!hey Amber!"Kai said So this was his friend "Soo who's this Kai"Neo said "She's my new friend!"He said "Ok~ if you say soo~"Neo said teasing "OH SHUT THE FUCK UP LIKE YOU AND COOPER DON'T ACT LIKE A COUPEL!"He said frustrated "wow wow,okay chill I'm joking"Neo said "Oh Kai,I met this really pretty girl I LOVE her!"Amber said "Wait wait wait you like girls?!"Kai said "Oh i forgot to tell you that huh"She said "Yeah!"Kai said.

Everyone ate minus Kai though I wonder why.I saw Neo try to give him food but Kai would say 'I'm not hungry I had a big breakfast' or something like that.I know he's not telling the truth.

I then saw Melody looking at Amber so I decided to tell her "Amber,Melody is looking at you"I told her "SHE IS?!!"She said surprised looking at melody to find her eyes on her own.I'm guessing she was the 'pretty girl' she was talking mg about earlier.

Neo i mean Nico's POV-
I finally can eat Like FINALLY.I had a small breakfast so I was STARVING.We talked for a bit I loved how Coopers lips moved when talking.

Anyways,I started eating my peanut butter and jelly Sandwich when I noticed Kai wasn't eating but looking on his phone which was really close to him.I wonder what he was hiding. 'Pss,Kai'I whispered "Yes"He said 'Why aren't you eating'I saw him become stiff "I-Had a big Breakfast so I'm not hungry"He said.

I tried to give him some of my salad I had or chips or shall I say Crisps but he declined I don't know why he was starving him self.

So I pulled him over and told him to follow me.We made our way to the empty hall . "Kai,Why aren't you eating"I said sternly "Does Auntie Mari or Aunt Edith know?!" I asked I saw him looking at his phone not paying attention.

"GET OFF YOUR PHONE AND LISTEN KAI!"I started to yell "KAI!"I took the phone from him "WHATS MORE IMPORTANT ON YOUR PHONE THEN EATING!!"I said people walking over to where we were due to the yelling "HUH!!WHY ARE YOU STAVING YOURSELF HM!"I said at this point there was people surrounding us like in a circle when people fight.

"GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK NICO!!!"Kai said He said trying to get his phone back.I saw Cooper,Amber,Melody which was usual but I even Saw JACKSON in the front which was unusual! "GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK NICO!"He said "THEN ANSWER THE QUESTION HAVE YOU BEEN EATING!"I said "WHY DO YOU CARE YOUR NOT MY MUM!!"He yelled "ANSWER.THE.QUESTION."I said growing more and more angry

"LEAVE IT ALONE NICO"he yelled loudly "Neo listen to him give him his phone back"Cooper said which made me look at him away from Kai.Which gave him an advantage to get his phone back "Kai please just answer the gosh DANG QUESTION!"I said "I-uh NO!"He yelled and ran off to his next class as I hadn't even noticed lunch was over.

I can't under stand why he wasn't eating.

Jackson's POV-
I was having my lunch aka Quesádillás which was my Mamá's recipe.10/10 best Quesádillás in the world.If you look at me you would think I was a bully or some Shit but you know..Never judge a book by its cover!Im actually a really nice person with a Pansexual sister who is She/Her/They/Them and myself being Bisexual mostly prefer guys to be honest and He/Him.

I was with my Sister and our friends eating lunch my sister having Rice and a burrito.When I noticed Melody was looking at that new girl.I think it was like Alison or something like that but it seemed she likes her.I saw next to The new girl,the new boy Kai he looked busy but I then saw Someone pull him to the hall way.After a few minutes the cafeteria went dead silent due to loud yelling coming from the hallway.

Soon many kids began to run to the hall.I usually don't go by to things that seem like it's bad but this was the same hall Kai and the other kid went to so I went and got in the front.I saw The kid yelling at Kai for not eating I think.I saw Kai take his phone back and run off to 4th period.I didn't even notice that it was time for 4th period.Well let's get to P.E.

Melody's POV-
I was looking at Amber..So pretty and cute and..and...just CUTE!!I really love her freckles all over her face which is so adorable.I was really in the zone because I hadn't even noticed that Me and Jackson were watching the new Kid and Nico get in a sorta kind of fight  I didn't even notice that Lunch was over and we had to head to 4th Period I had P.E next ughhhh!I hate P.E boys always try to hit on me even though I like all people no matter of their gender I don't like when people try to hit I me especially when I am interested in someone like Amber....ahh😍 Amber ,Amber,Amber,Amber,Amber-

Cooper's POV-
I told Neo to let Kai have his phone back and Neo looked at me sad as I was siding with his cousin and not him.When me and Neo were walking to 4th period I saw he was sad "I'm sorry Neo but you took his phone that was rude"I said "I know it's just...I'm concerned he didn't eat anything not even Chips,Which I may add was his favorite I just want to make sure he is alright."He said I understood "I know but don't steal his phone next time"I said "Okay"He answers and we went separate ways I went to Band and he went to Art.What a day so far.
Hiiii guys so I want to know do you like this story so far???
Jackson is definitely me in irl(joking) but we are similar

Do we like Kai??
Do we like Nico??
Do we like Cooper?
Do we like Amber???
Do we like Melody???
Do we like Jackson??

Guys Melody is based off my irl bestie who is She/Her at times and they/Them at times as well and Pansexual..hope you like her/Their character

Word count:1199

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