Chapter 1: Encounter

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Checking out stuff outside yet so close to your hometown is always nice. The shops are nice. There was a sword shop that I had found, and the swords there were amazing in quality. Well, most of them.

Someone much younger than me walked in through the door and I didn't pay much attention to it, until he picked up one of the wakizashis to admire it. I walked over. 

"Excuse me, mister? That's very dangerous," I told the boy, "You could seriously hurt someone swinging that piece of art around like a baseball bat. It's also very disrespectful."

"Oh, I'm sorry." The boy handed the wakizashi to me and I sheathed it, putting it back on the stand it laid on.

"Are you from around here?" I asked him, "You look like the kind from Pallet Town."

"On the dot—I'm Ash Ketchum!" The boy told me.

"Ah, the champion, right?" I asked, "Sorry, I don't keep up with the battle stuff, so I'm out of touch with who is who. I'm Kazuya, I just kinda do martial arts."

"Wow, thats amazing!" Ash replied, "So YOU'RE the one battling instead of the Pokémon?"

"It's more of a mental thing for me rather than physical...oh, I'm from the Heights."

"Melody Heights? I see..."

The people from the Heights have always had rivalries with the people from Pallet Town. For what reason, I'm not sure.

"Oh, I'm actually Johtonian born and raised. I just live in the Heights." I elaborated.

"Oh, okay! ...but then, what are you doing here?" Ash asked, "This isn't Melody Heights..."

"It's a bit complicated," I told him, "The nearby junior high school here has seen a recent spike in spiritual activity due to a Spiritomb. Not only am I good at battling, but I'm very connected to my spirituality, so I'll be able to touch it and maybe calm it down. Depending on the severity of the situation, I might need help. Do ou have any-"

"I have a Gengar," Ash told me, cutting me off, "And if you need any, I'll be willing to help you, Kazuya!"

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