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TESSA WATCHED AS Juice and Rat played with Sawyer, the two bikers looking significantly less intimidating as they sat on the floor and disguised their voices, small action figures in their hands

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TESSA WATCHED AS Juice and Rat played with Sawyer, the two bikers looking significantly less intimidating as they sat on the floor and disguised their voices, small action figures in their hands. In Sawyer's hand was the one Happy had given him ages ago, still his absolute favorite.

It was absolutely heartwarming to see how attached her son could get to something just because he had got it from someone he loved.

"You look happy", Gemma said contentedly as she sat down on the couch next to Tessa, patting the young woman's knee. "After tonight it's all over, baby, Happy will make sure of it."

"I am happy." Tessa, humming softly, looked away from the cute scene on the floor and flashed Gemma a tired smile. "I know Happy will make sure of it, I have no doubt about that. But he wouldn't have to do that just for me."

"Are you kidding?" Gemma shook her head with a scoff, pushing a strand of her brunette hair out of her face. "You're his Old Ladyᅳ he would die for you if he knew that would keep you safe. And Cal was not only a danger to you, but also to Sawyer and your baby."

"I know that", the raven-haired girl murmured, smiling sheepishly as she rubbed a hand over her still very small belly. "I would do the same for him, Sawyer and the baby."

"That's how it should be, sweetheart, and nothing else." Pride filled Gemma's chest like it did every time one of the girls behaved like a real Old Lady should. "Are you feeling a little better?"

Tessa was a little confused at first, but then nodded when Gemma pointed to her stomach. "Yeah, I'm not feeling nauseous all the time anymore. I'm just in pain and pretty tired. Have you heard anything from Tara?"

"Tara's fine, she's resting at home and said she'd come over tomorrow", Gemma told her, much more relaxed than she had been a while ago when she talked about Tara. Somehow the two women seemed to get along a lot better. "You should lie down, get some sleep. Sawyer looks tired too."

"Oh thank Godᅳ I have to thank her. Without her, things would have turned out much worse", Tessa uttered, slipping a little deeper into the cushions of the couch at the thought of what Cal could've done to her if Tara hadn't been there. "I actually wanted to wait for Happy.."

"Baby, Happy won't be back until tomorrow morning, believe me. He'll take his time with Cal", Gemma assured her with a wink, patting her knee once again. "Take Sawyer, snuggle up in bed together and if you can't sleep, you can always wait for Happy thereᅳ but at least you're getting some rest."

"You should lie down, Tess." Rat looked up from the game, his features relaxed but with a certain severity. "Happy made it clear that you should be in bed."

"Of course he did", Tessa snorted with a roll of her eyes, the slightest smirk forming on her face. Happy could exaggerate a lot when he was worried, but Tessa still found it sweet. "Okay, fine, then I'll just lie down."

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