Broken Dreams

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In the stillness of the night, my heart is breaking. He was the warmth, the light that made everything feel okay. When he was near, life felt full, dreams felt real. But then he changed. The warmth turned cold, and the light dimmed. The words that used to flow between us became silence. He walked away, taking the dreams we built and leaving emptiness behind.

Nights became long and lonely. The pain of missing him was a heavy weight, like a stone pressing on my chest. Just when I started to heal, he came back. I cried tears of joy, but they were mixed with pain. He was back, but he was different. His heart no longer belonged to me.

He talks to others, laughs with them, while I watch from afar. It hurts to see him so happy without me. Each smile he gives to someone else is a sharp pain, each laugh a reminder of what I've lost.

The pain is always there, a shadow that follows me. I long for what was, but know it's gone. Tears fall, each one a drop of sorrow for the love that slipped away. The memories of our time together haunt me, like ghosts that refuse to leave.

I ache for the past, but know I have to move on, even though my heart isn't ready. I'm trapped in this cycle of hope and despair, unable to break free. My love for him is a wound that won't heal, a constant reminder of what could have been.

They say, "Don't cry, forget about him, he's not worth it." But to me, he is worth everything. I seek solace, and they tell me to stop loving him. How can I do that? Is it truly possible to simply stop loving? I asked for help, not advice, but it seems there's no one who can aid me now. As much as I want to stop loving him, I cannot.

I would love him for a thousand years and more if I could. I can't give up, even if I know I should. I cling to the hope that he will be mine one day, and though that hope is slowly destroying me, I still can't let it go...

Letting go can hurt, but it helps us find new beginnings... I'm just not ready for a new beginning, not one without you, my love.

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