The return

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The plane hummed quietly as it soared through the clouds, its destination set for Mumbai, a city that had become nothing more than a distant memory to Roshni Patel. Seated next to the window, her gaze was lost somewhere beyond the clouds, mind tracing the familiar streets she hadn't walked in seven years.

Her friend from London, Kavya, nudged her gently. "You've been staring out that window for hours. What's going on in that head of yours, huh?"

Roshni blinked, returning to the present moment, a soft smile playing on her lips. "Just... thinking about home."

"Are you nervous?" Kavya asked, leaning in as if she'd uncover some secret with the right question.

"Not nervous. Excited. It's been so long, you know? Seven years away from everything-my house, my mom, our little rituals. I wonder if anything's changed... or if I've changed too much."

Roshni's thoughts drifted. She could almost feel the warm embrace of the city welcoming her back. The smell of the sea breeze mixing with the spices that filled the air of Mumbai's streets. The sound of her mother calling her name from the kitchen, the comfort of home-cooked meals, and the laughter that always echoed around their house during family dinners.

And yet, in the middle of all this, she couldn't shake the image of her father-strong, kind, and always smiling. He had passed when she was just a child, but his presence had never left her, lingering in the old photographs hanging in their hallway, in the stories her maasi would tell her late at night, and in the rare moments when her mother's eyes would reflect the loss without a word.

"Hey," Kavya's voice brought her back again. "You'll be fine. You've got this. Mumbai's going to feel like you never left."

Roshni nodded, her smile widening. "I hope so."

But as the plane began its descent, her heart raced faster than the turbines. Was her room the same? Did her mother still keep her things the way she left them? Or had time rewritten everything she once knew?


Hey lovely readers! 💖

Thank you so much for starting this journey with "Returning to you". Writing this story means a lot to me, and I’m beyond excited to share Roshni and Siddharth's world with all of you. This is just the beginning, and there’s so much more to come, especially with some love, drama, and heartwarming moments in the chapters ahead!

If you’re enjoying the story so far, I’d really appreciate it if you could support me by hitting that vote button, leaving a comment, or even sharing your thoughts on what you’d like to see next! Your feedback means everything to me and helps me grow as a writer. 💬✨

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