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Please, ignore the mistakes

In the magical town of petalonia, there lived two beautiful twin sisters named Rose and Lily. They lived in a quaint little cottage with their loving mother, a gentle and kind-hearted woman with a heart as pure as gold.

The family had a special bond, always spending time together and sharing in each other's joys and sorrows. Every morning, Rose would wake up with a bright smile on her face, her long golden hair shimmering in the sunlight. Lily, on the other hand, was more reserved, with dark hair as black as midnight.

Their mother would often spend hours tending to the enchanted garden that surrounded their cottage. It was filled with exotic flowers and magical plants that seemed to glow with a mysterious light. Rose and Lily loved to help their mother in the garden, their laughter filling the air as they worked side by side.

One day, as they were tending to the flowers, a mischievous sprite appeared, fluttering around them with a twinkle in its eye. The sprite teased Rose and Lily, causing them to burst into laughter as they tried to catch it. Their mother watched on, her eyes shining with love and pride at the sight of her daughters playing together.

As the sun began to set, the family gathered around the dinner table, sharing stories and laughing together. Rose and Lily's mother looked at her daughters with a sparkle in her eyes, grateful for the joy they brought into her life.

And so, the three of them sat together, basking in the warmth of their love and the magic that surrounded them in the enchanted town of Petalonia. Together, they were a family bound by love, laughter, and the beauty of nature, living in perfect harmony under the watchful eye of the enchanted garden.

Ehmmm...... Hello guys.. i wrote this part as an introduction. I hope you like it!

This story will be happy ending and short. That means there won't be violence or something like that this is a sweet and cute family interaction with a slight romance story!

Don't forget to write what u think about it on the comments.

Coming soon with main chapter!!

Love you all stay safe! ❤️❤️

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