The way your face makes me sick

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You sit in the car. It's your birthday but your best friend couldn't make it, you have over 20 missed calls. All from your fake friends. Today feels like a normal day. But it's not. Again it's your birthday.
You look down at your Android. You had turned on your Spotify. But since you don't have premium you can't pick the song you want. All the things in your head colloid. What's the point of today? It'll be over soon. You feel your phone vibrate and ding. You pick it up. A message from Mel! He's your best friend...but you have a wanna be his boyfriend. You wanna go on walks with him you wanna have long talks with him. You want him. You sigh and look at the message. "Hey, how's your bday going?" "Not that great" you reply, putting the phone back in your pocket.
You look out the window...had you guys always been at the dollar tree?..whatever you weren't even paying attention anyways. You just wonder what they are doing in there.
You look to your side and see a cute boy. But you stop yourself from staring. You want and have Mel.

He looks at you. 'do you stare at everyone you see?' he mouths. You blush and turn away.

Your finally back on the road. The boy is away and not your problem.

Your almost there. your excitement grows. Your kinda excited to open presents but ....even when your happy you really don't know how to show it... especially when opening presents. Last year you were opening one and said "my hanako backpack!' in front of was a sweater and your parents felt bad after that...your closing in on the road.
You can't wait to go into your "house" that used to be a plum patch that was VERY over grown.
Your here.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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