🖇️Someone your own size🖇️ (Pt. 3) {BL}

164 6 15

Sanjay and Quin manage to build their own routine. Quin would just get picked up by Jay at school and head home with him. He was now a legal adult and wasn't bound to that abusive fuck's house. Yet It seemed as though someone didn't like this budding relationship and wanted to prick it before it bloomed. This relationship falling apart before it can even begin to grow.

Word Count; 2965 (⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)


Quinton C

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Quinton C. Dandlion; 18

 Dandlion; 18 'Quin'

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Sanjay J. Avery; 19

 Avery; 19'Jay'

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Ray T. Thomson; 18

 Thomson; 18

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