Chapter three

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Ignore the mistakes, please

The next morning at school, Lily was excited to introduce Ethan to her sister Rose and her best friend Sarah. As they chatted and laughed together, Sarah couldn't help but notice the way Rose looked at Ethan with longing in her eyes.

Sarah decided to subtly bring up the topic, asking Rose if she had ever met Ethan before. Rose blushed and admitted that she had seen him around and thought he was cute. Sarah's heart broke for her friend, knowing that Rose had a crush on Ethan as well.

As the day went on, Ethan seemed to be equally friendly with both Lily and Rose, making the situation even more complicated. Sarah watched from the sidelines, torn between wanting to protect Rose's feelings and not wanting to interfere with Lily's excitement.

Eventually, Sarah decided to confront rose about the awkward dynamic between her, Rose, and Ethan. But she doesn't want to interference with their life, though they're her friends. Rose was shocked to realize that her friend had noticed that she had feelings for Ethan too, but rose told he that she was determined to make sure both of them happy,even if that means sacrifice her happiness.

In a surprising turn of events, Lily suggested that they all hang out together after school, giving just to get to know Ethan better. As they spent time together, Rose and Ethan clicked instantly, leaving Lily feeling a mix of happiness for her sister and a twinge of jealousy.

But as the day came to an end, Lily couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy because she herself for bringing her sister and her crush together. She wasn't a blind to notice how her sister looked at ethan. But she just shrugged it of and try to distract herself.

With heavy heart she watches how ethan and rose get along well,but dhe is sure with one thing, she can't got jealous of her own sister, even if it meant sacrificing her own feelings.she is ready to let go of her first ever crush.Not everyone get what they want always. And as they all said goodbye, Sarah gave Lily a knowing look, silently acknowledging her selfless act of sisterly love

Short chapter....... hope you like it.

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