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31st October 1993

ANGELINA and Y/N seemed even more close after Y/H/C haired girl spilled everything on her mind that September night. They stayed up until midnight, hidden behind thick courtains of Y/N's four-poster bed chatting with each other. Angelina was great listener, even though she was surprised about her friends situation, she held her and reassured her she would support her no matter what.

Skipping forward month and a half, black haired girl stuck to her promise; she accompanied Y/N to every library trip or practice with McGonagall - who was so proud of their friendship so much, she given them house points for it - and she also covered for her, when Y/N had to read the Ancient magic book, lying about where she was and why to their friends. Y/E/C eyed girl couldn't be more thankful for her, she never regretted telling her the truth.

Another supporters of Y/N were her parents and godfather. Her family repeated her how proud their were probably million times, but it never felt enough. She was the most strongest person in their eyes and her determination was inspiring. Due to the fact that Remus lived in Hogwarts, he also participated in her journey, creating her safe space in his office. He let his goddaughter study the Ancient magic textbook there, preparing her cup of tea and a chocalate bar to make her more comfortable. Besides that, he talked to her about her studies or life in general, giving her another person to talk to.

  On Halloween morning, (short/long) haired girl found herself in her godfather's office again, questiong Remus about what he wanted to bring from the Hogsmeade village. It was few days before new moon, so he was too weak to travel, meaning that she decided to help. "Moony, just tell me what you need," pleaded the fifth year girl, "I won't leave until you tell me."

"In that case, you'll stay with me whole day, Pup. I don't want you to spend your money on things for me," answered the older man, inspecting a Gridylow he prepared for another DADA lesson.  Y/N scoffed and rolled her Y/E/C eyes, annoyed at Remus' humbleness. "Please, Remus, I want to help out."

The man in long dark robe huffed at stubborn girl, moving his brown eyes from the creature in water tank to her. "Alright, just bring me Honeydukes's chocolate, Pup. Now go, they won't wait for you," he told her, showing her a weak smile. His goddaughter cheered and gave him a quick kiss on the cheeks, running away right after.

She sprinted trough the stone corridors to the courtyard, where her group waited for her in half circle. Her legs stopped before Angelina, her lungs out of air, leaving her lapping for breath. "Did I made it?" she asked, as she put her hands on her knees deeply breathing in and out. "Right on time, Y/N/N, but don't worry I wouldn't leave without you," boasted  Fred Weasley, while he put his large hand on her back. Gryffindor girl put up her head a little, receiving knowing look from the dark skinned girl opposite her. "Well, how nice of you, Fred, but it's hard to believe you would exchange Zonko's for me," replied Y/N, earning few snickers from the students around her and scowl from the boy next to her.

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