the unknown

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Rayelee Spencer Elizabeth Jones was an everyday type of girl that everybody liked.

But little did she know her brother knew that something was up with her.
Lucas walks by her to see what is going on with her and he stops in front of her wanting to grab her hand to move her away from the desk in her room.
Lucas became shocked that he saw an ice sculpture of a horse on her desk with the window closed and the curtains closed.

Rayelee get so confused at what she did and if she would get in trouble knowing she got caught by her brother she doesn't know that she somehow got powers with her having white blonde hair with a silver streak and her hazel eyes staring at her brown eyed brother.
" don't worry little sister I won't tell Mom and Dad I promise it is a secret between us and I will help you master your powers the best I can" said Lucas.

"Big Brother what if I can't control it I'm only 15 years old" said rayelee.

As she is wearing a white top with a light blue skirt and silver sandals on her feet totally opposite to what her brother is wearing a black shirt with gray dark jeans they both walk down to the kitchen together to get food. Lucas is a little bit older than rayelee because he is 17 years old. And when his sister was born he vowed to protect her no matter what would happened to her anyway shape or form. Rayelee looking outside of the kitchen window to see a tall beautiful girl wearing a black crop top with her black hair in a ponytail while wearing dark black ripped jeans and dark black with red Jordans shoes. Playing basketball.

" hey Lucas I'm going to be right back I got to do something" said rayelee.

" okay sister but don't take too long before mom and dad wake up" said Lucas.

Rayelee walks out the front door to go to the house next door where the beautiful girl she saw is.
Rayelee stopped in her tracks when the girl looks at her with blue eyes. And the girl walked up to rayelee and grabs her hand in hers .
"Hi my name is Amelia Quinn carstirs and may I ask what your name is beautiful " said Amelia.
Rayelee starts blushing and looking down at the comment that the girl Amelia just gave her.
Then she looks up at Amelia again. " my name is rayelee Spencer Elizabeth Jones " said rayelee.

" Your Voice Sounds like music to my ears love"said Amelia.

" oh my gosh thank you Amelia " said rayelee. " your welcome love" said Amelia.

rayelee take Amelia's hand so they could go into her house so Amelia can meet rayelee big brother Lucas.

They walk into the kitchen in rayelee parent's house. Lucas turns around to see a tall girl with his sister wondering what happened and why the tall girl is there with his sister.
Lucas walks towards his sister and the girl put  her hand out so Amelia could shake his hand.
" Big Brother this is Amelia she's the new neighbor that lives next door "said rayelee.

Amelia and Lucas shake hands." Nice to meet you my name is Lucas and yoj met my sister already I see"said Lucas.

Lucas and Rayelee parents come down from their room as well to see what is going on." What is going on here" said Marsalis.
" Mom and Dad this is our new neighbor Amelia she lives next door" said rayelee. Both of their parents Shake Amelia's hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16 ⏰

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