what you signed up for

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1 . Will steal all your hoodies
2 . Steals your shirts
3. You will never get alone time ( I'm clingy)
4. All your shit is mine
5. You will have to put up with my rambling
6. I will play with your hair
7. I might steal a bite of food
8. You must know my slushy order ( I will be pissed if you get it wrong)
9. I take a long time to apologize ( I'm sorry in advance)
10. No more personal space
11. I will do your makeup
12. You are my personal coloring book
13. I easily get flustered so I might get grumpy from that
14. You will get asked random questions
15. I will teach you  how to use a flag
16. I'm injured 24/7 ( keep a med kit)
17. I am an asshole
18. I'm noisy
19. I will cuddle you a lot
20. I faint so if I start going white catch me
21. I forgot almost everything ( memory of a goldfish)
22. I like kid shows ( five year old at heart)
23. I need to be reminded of my medications
24. I can and will be annoying ( not on purpose)
25. Your room might end up being covered in stuffed animals
26. I will drag you places
27. I get easily distracted ( keep a pair of keys to get my attention)
28. I will make or give you dumb trinkets
29. I sleep a lot
30. Tell me if I'm rude ( I usually don't realize it)
31. I am protective of people I love
33. I will get competitive
34. I say a lot of things over and over again
35. I'm a huge crybaby
36. Be prepared for me to bite you
37. I'm terrified of crickets ( if I see one I scream bloody murder)
38. I have to have something playing in the background for me to sleep ( usually murder mystery)
39. Keep me cards I have a huge spending problem on dube shit
40. I will keep everything you give me
41. I swear a lot

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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