||Chapter 3||

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Time skips
Next week
In library
Anvi's pov
I was making the library cards for some students . When the owner of the library Mr.Shaw came and slammed his hand on the reception table .

"Good evening sir ",I got amused by his behavior but control Anvi this is the best job for me .

"You're fired !!",he yelled at me

I was stunned by his words and droped my phone .

"What ?....But why sir ?",I ask

"Mr.Malhotra told me about ur rude behavior "Mr.Shaw said

"But sir it was an emergency and I didn't did any thing wrong ",I tried to justify my point .

"I don't wants to hear any nonsense, just Leave Ms.Anvi ",Mr.Shaw said and left .

My eyes filled with tears but I wiped them and packed my stuffs and left .

Later that evening
"Anshika I am going back home I'll be back in a week take care ",Anvi straightforwardly said

"Why ?",Anshika ask

"Mummy called me and said di and Arun jiju are also there ,may be its a family gathering ",Anvi said in explaining tone

"Oh fine but I'll come to meet u at airport ",Anshika said

"Yahhh oki bye",Anvi said and hung up the call


At airport
Anvi, a bright and determined young woman, rushed through the bustling airport, her suitcase rolling behind her. She checked her watch for what felt like the hundredth time, anxious to catch her flight.

Meanwhile, Riyaan, a tall and brooding figure, stood at the gate, his arms crossed and a scowl etched on his face. He was not thrilled about being at the airport, and his mood only darkened when he saw Anvi hurrying towards him.

As Anvi approached, their eyes met, and the air seemed to crackle with tension. It was clear that these two had a history, and it wasn't a pleasant


As Anvi settled into her seat, she chatted with her best friend Anshika and her husband Viransh, a powerful mafia figure. Anvi felt a mix of excitement and nervousness as she waited for the passenger who would occupy the seat beside her.

Suddenly, the sound of luggage being stowed and murmurs of apology filled the air. Anvi's gaze drifted toward the aisle, and her heart skipped a beat as Riyaan appeared, his piercing eyes scanning the row.

"Looks like fate has other plans," Anshika whispered, noticing Anvi's tense expression.

Viransh, ever the protective mafia husband, raised an eyebrow. "Problem, Anvi?"

Anvi shook her head, trying to brush off the unease. "No, just... unexpected company."

Riyaan's gaze locked onto Anvi, a hint of surprise and annoyance flashing across his face. He took a deep breath, his expression smoothing into a mask of indifference.

"Mind if I take this seat?" Riyaan asked, his deep voice low and even.

Anvi hesitated, unsure if she wanted to spend the flight beside her stubborn jerk. But before she could respond, Anshika chimed in.

"Not at all! Anvi would love some company."

Anvi shot Anshika a "traitor" look, but Riyaan had already settled into the seat, his presence radiating an undeniable.

As Riyaan settles into the seat beside Anvi, Viransh's expression changes from protective to playful. He leans over and whispers something in Riyaan's ear, eliciting a low chuckle.

Anshika grins mischievously. "Looks like Viransh is giving Riyaan the 'behave yourself' talk."

Anvi rolls her eyes, feeling a mix of relief and unease. Riyaan's connection to Viransh complicates things; she can't simply dismiss him as a stranger.

Riyaan turns to Anvi, his eyes still holding a hint of amusement. But he continued to dig hopes in her body by his sharp gaze .

His tone is casual, but Anvi senses an undercurrent of tension. She chooses to play it cool, not wanting to give away her true feelings.
"Anshika I want to tell u some thing "

"What ",Anshika ask

"It is a secret ,jiju plss can we exchange sear just for a minute ",Anvi said with this expression .<🥲

"Oh com'on u can tell me later on "Anshika smriks*

"But-"Anvi got cutoff by Anshika

"No if no buts ",Anshika winks*

As the flight attendants begin their safety demonstrations, Viransh leans over once more. "Riyaan, take care of Anvi for me, okay?"

Riyaan's eyes lock onto Anvi's, a flicker of something - perhaps protectiveness or possessiveness - crossing his face.

"I'll make sure she arrives safely, Riyaan."

Anvi was praying to" God plss do some thing "

Then she took her phone and crused Anshika on WhatsApp

"Anshika I hate u😑 ",Anvi texted

"Owwwww ik and I hate u too Anvi 😉",She said

As the plane hits turbulence, Anvi's seatbelt sign lights up, and the flight attendants rush to secure the cabin. Riyaan's grip on the armrest tightens, his knuckles white with tension.

Anvi, caught off guard, feels a surge of fear. She instinctively reaches for Viransh's hand, but he's busy calming Anshika, who's anxious about the turbulence.

Riyaan notices Anvi's distress and swiftly covers her hand with his, his touch warm and reassuring. "Hey, it's okay. I've got you."

The plane shakes and rattles, but Riyaan's grip remains steady. Anvi feels a strange sense of calm wash over her, as if his presence is a anchor in the storm.

As the turbulence subsides, Riyaan releases her hand, but not before giving it a gentle squeeze. "You okay?"

Anvi nods, still feeling the warmth of his touch. "Yeah, thanks."

Viransh raises an eyebrow, noticing the exchange. "Looks like Riyaan's still got his hero instinct "

Riyaan's expression turns enigmatic, his eyes locked onto Anvi's.

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