a damn good deal

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The aftermath of the wich hunt left many broken, hurt and injured, but most of all, "un-home'd"
The utopia citizens soon scattered apart, off on their own or in small groups. Niragi, was one of the survivers, somehow... after being burned by a fucking home made flaim thrower, falling of a roof into a pool and almost drowning due to lack of control of his injured body, then being full on man handled by the one he looked up to the most and thrown back into the flaimes unable to exape- yet, he survived...
Niragi enjoyed the pain at first, it made him feel alive, tingle with energy, the adrenaline rush was one he wanted to last forever! It was amazing!.. untill it wasn't...
The adrenaline eventually wore off, and niragis body collapsed unable to move. His breathing sounded like there was water in his mouth, a gurgling sound that keep him awake at night. The pain was much less than it was before... more so just an uncomfortable feeling now... niragi didn't like this feeling at all...

Niragi had no choice but to lay in the grass, and wait for death to take him.
What he didn't expect though, was said grim-reaper to have bleached blond hair, dark brown eyes, and a smirk.
Niragi groans at the sight... chishiya...

"My, you look wonderful, don't you"

Chishiya says sarcastically, grinning as he towers over niragi with his hands in his pockets.

Niragi goes to say somthing back, but the burning dryness of his throat traps any noise that attempts to break free. Chishiya seemed to notice this.

"Looks like you can't even move, huh. Your probably in so much pain, or atleast discomfort"

Chishiya says. And, he was obviously right...
Chishiya stares at niragi for a few more seconds, before he sighs and spoke up

"Your kinda boring"


Niragi wanted so bad to be able to get up and just slap him, choke him- or atleast say somthing to him... he couldn't even fight back at chishiyas insults!

Niragis eyebrow twitched as he stares right back up at chishiya.


Niragi almost didnt process those words. Thirsty?
He was Thirsty, but he couldn't say that... litteraly couldn't say it, and if he could, he wouldn't admit it!
But it seemed nirahi didn't have to, because chishiya was already grabing a plastic water bottle out of his pocket.
Chishiya opens the bottle, and crouched down besides niragi.

"Your able to drink this, right?"

He asked, bringing it to niragis lips and poring it in very, very slowly, so niragi wouldn't choke.
Niragi didn't have to think, he didn't think at all, his body reacted on its own without him, greedily drinking as much water as it could. Chishiya chuckles at the pathetic site.

Once niragi finished the entire bottle, chishiya put the lid back on and put the empty bottle back into his pocket.

"So, can you speak now"

Chishiya asked, and eyed niragi curiously, like he was some exotic animal in a zoo.


Niragi managed to say, the words struggling to pass through his throat.

"Why what?"

Chishiya asked, tilting his head. Niragi scowls the best he could.

"Why... are you here... what do you... want from me..."

Chishiya humms at niragis words.

"How clever you are, I actually do want somthing, and I belive you want somthing too"

Niragi paused, what did chishiya think he could he possibly want?
Chishiya seemed to read niragis mind, as he smirks.

"Your helpless here, if you don't know. Injured, infected, hungry, thristy, weak, tired, helpless"

Niragi scowls at the insult... but it was true.

"You need help, you know that? Unless you want to die here. I could help you if I wanted to"

...chishiya could help? What could he possibly do?
Chishiya once again read niragis mind.

"I used to be a doctor. Well, a student doctor. I specialized in pediatric cardiovascular surgery, but I could help treat your burns"

Could he really?.. it would be nice to be able to move around again...

"I would take you back to the area I have been staying in, treat your wounds, feed you, get you water and proper rest"

It almost sounded too good to be true... no... it definitely was... what was the catch?

"All of that, and I would only want one thing in return"

Yup... there it was....

"Once you heal up, and are able to move around again, you would have to become my personal 'servant' you could call it. You would need to help me in any way I need help. Simple, right?"

Niragi scowls... he didn't want to help chishiya... yet, he needed chishiyas help... it couldn't be that bad, right? All he had to do was help chishiya out... probably with stupid simple stuff like 'go get some supplys' or 'go hunt down a rabbit'... yeah... it seemed simple enough

"So? What do you think?"

Chishiya asked.


"I think... it's a danm good deal"

Aghhhhhh now that it's finally summer (pretty much) I'll have more free time to write and continue my stories 😍
Sorry I haven't been active, alot is going on in my life, but it's all starting to kinda calm down. I'm exited to make many many new storied you all will hopefully like, and to continue my old ones better than ever. Thank you guys for being patient and for reading!! Make sure to vote to show your support!!

(915 words)

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