Super power girls

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A large bus is driving with a large group of kids about 20 or so of them when they come to a stop in front of a large building that could easily hold thousands of people they all got off and they saw these two women.

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They all recognize who they are the two kryptonians the top twenty heroes supergirl and power girl both girls looked towards at the green hair boy with girly looks they walked towards the group many tries to talk to them but they ignore them and s...

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They all recognize who they are the two kryptonians the top twenty heroes supergirl and power girl both girls looked towards at the green hair boy with girly looks they walked towards the group many tries to talk to them but they ignore them and stand in front of him as he looked up seeing how tall they were and they said they need to talk with him.

They took him to a private room where they learned his name is Izuku and they see him staring at their lower area and they reveal a large rod flopped out from between their legs and he was pushed down to his knees and they grabbed his head and put the tip to his lips and forced down his throat and after a few minutes super girl poured her cum into his stomach both did this intel he was full of their seeds.

When they were done they hear the door open to see these two.

When they were done they hear the door open to see these two

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Jean gray: what you two doing with that poor boy?

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Jean gray: what you two doing with that poor boy?

Karen; don't worry we gave him everything we had and now he filled up.

Both looked at him and they asked will he be alright and they two girls said no and the two older women took him with them to the nurse area and checked him.

After doing that they learned that he will be pregnant but they didn't know why nor did supergirl and powergirl and they just told his class he will have to stay with them for the next year or two and aizawa said two more students will stay if they keep Izuku here.

Momo/kyouka: I'll do it!

Everyone seemed to agree and they all stayed for a few days seeing Izuku having trouble walking and he then collapsed once where momo and kyouka helped him up and took him away.

After the few days Izuku has been sad and angry at them for doing such things to him and crushed momo and kyouka Arms.

Month 1 Izuku is in pain and wanted to die when he felt the pain.

Month 2 - 5 he wanted weird foods and momo and Karen took care of him for these months and Karen is powergirl and Kara is super girl.

For the last nine months he just wanted a long sleep and he got it after he gave birth to Kara and Karen kin where they were named Alex and lui.

He was so tired he napped for a few days and Kara and Karen took their children and used a bottle to feed them.

Izuku is asleep the whole week and Kara and Karen heard the two older women chose to go and asked them if they could do the same with him and Kara and Karen said yes. 

Natasha and Jean got him in a room and started to play with his body.

And they painted his walls white and he had his stomach blowed with their seeds and they wanted him to get his womb to give birth to babies.

556 words and k hope you enjoyed

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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