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'Where is he?'

Thought (Name) as she taps her foot impatiently

'He's been gone for weeks now!' She thinks aloud

"Are you okay, (Name)?" Asks Naruto tilting his head slightly

"N-nothing... It's just that he's been absent for weeks now" the (h/c) girl sighs sadly

"I know but Sasuke hasn't told us any updates yet. Just be patient" Naruto smiles a sad smile


"(Name)! Naruto! No talking while in class" scolded Kurenai Sarutobi, their pregnant english teacher

(Name) mumbles and "tsk'ed" while Naruto went back to his paper work, Hinata helping him

'But he can't just suddenly disappear, can he?'

Despite Naruto saying he didn't get any updates, that was quite the opposite. He knew what was happening in the Uchiha household he just didn't want to be the one to tell (Name), afterall it isn't his to tell

. . .


"(Name)-chan, y-you have t-to e-eat too" Hinata says concern in her lavender eyes as she notices her bestfriend's depressed state, shoulder slumped with sad (e/c) eyes staring off to nothing

"I'm not hungry, Hina-chan"


"B-but your stomach d-does. Please eat"

Hinata gently pushes her tray toward (Name) who sighs but obliged. As the two continues to eat, Naruto and Sasuke sat down on their table

(Name's) eyes lit up and grasps Sasuke's hand

"W-where is he?" She asks worriedly

Sasuke sighs then strokes her delicate hand a frown placing on his lips


She waits patiently but after a few minutes with no reply this caused the girl to stand up and grips Sasuke's collar, (e/c) eyes blazing with anger mixed with great worry

"Where. Is. He. Sasuke?" She said through gritted teeth. Despite her scary aura Sasuke only replies by looking away, a sad agonizing look on his onyx eyes

"Just wait for him, be patient will you?" Sasuke sighs frustrated

(Name) drops Sasuke then plops her butt down on her seat again, sulking

"You guys always say that... he's been gone for almost two months now" she sniffles shoulder slightly trembling. This makes the two boys sigh and face their friend with great worry

"I'm s-sure he'll be back s-soon, (Name)-chan" Hinata soothes

"...... But I miss him"

. . .

"Tadaima" (Name) greets softly as she quietly walks into her small house, kissing both her parents' pictures that hang on the wall as she passes by

"Ugh..." She falls face first on her soft cream colored bed and groans


"Sasuke never told me anything since these past two months... Where are you?"

(Name) thinks sadly, tears pooling in her glazing (e/c) eyes

After doing all her needed tasks and other necessary chores, (Name) halts as her eyes met her coat.

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