V - Stolen

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(That's Harry and Marv's shadow but Harry is so short you can barely see him)


Kevin immediately screamed, startling the two and gaining bystander's attention. He then made a run for it and started running. Marv and Harry were frozen for a second before they snapped out of it and went after him.


As Kevin ran down the streets and through passing traffic, he very quickly passed by a salesguy trying to sell pearl necklaces. Kevin quickly stopped, pulled out a 10, gave it to him, snatched a few necklaces, then ran off. Kevin quickly broke the string of the pearl necklaces before he crossed the street. Kevin looked around, making sure no one was close enough to walk past, before dumping the pearls on the ground and fleeing. He stopped a few feet ahead and watched as both Marv and Harry tripped on the pearls, sending them backwards and onto their backs. Kevin quietly applauded himself before running to the Plaza Hotel, which was in sight.

Kevin saw Hector in sight and so he quickly stopped by him.

"You gotta help me! There's 2 guys after me!"

He(ctor): What's the matter? Store wouldn't take your-

Hector grabbed the credit card out of his pocket. Kevin gasped.

He: Stolen credit card? Let's see what the police have to say about this...

Kevin's fight or flight instincts kicked in and he immediately ran inside as Hector chased after him.

He: Get back here, you little thief!

Cedric was carrying 2 luggages when he heard Hector.

He: Stop that child!!

Cedric immediately dropped what he was doing and tried to grab Kevin, instantly failing as Kevin switched to go to the elevators.

C: Grab him!

Hester, the front desk lady from earlier, immediately prepared to grab Kevin, in which Kevin slid underneath her and into the elevator. Hector and Cedric ran into Hester, causing a triple K.O. Kevin immediately got up and clicked the 4th floor button as Hector reached for him.

He: You little sh-

The doors closed and Kevin leaned against the wall.

"I've committed credit card fraud... Buzz, where are you?!"


'What the...'

Buzz shuttered slightly as he got this eerie feeling. He looked around before looking at the items.

'Cancel my purchase. I need to go.'

She looked up at him, raised an eyebrow, but then nodded and decided not to question it.

Cashier: Alright? Have a great day, sir.

Buzz immediately rushed out of the store.

'Crap... What was th-...?'

Buzz looked over and saw that Kevin was gone. His eyes widened.

'Oh no... No no no no- Kevin!!'


Kevin ran to his hotel room and grabbed a few snacks. He quickly shoved them in his backpack before grabbing the remote and playing 'Angel's with Even Filthier Souls' just Hector, Cedric, Hester, and two officers entered the room.

J: Hold it right there!

The staff members stopped and stayed in the other room.

He: This this the concierge, sir!

Home Alone... But... (Home Alone: Lost In New York)Where stories live. Discover now