𝟒. 𝑯𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝑰𝒕 𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒆

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𝐄𝐙 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭

"You bet not pee on me, Mari. Or we gon' be in here fightin."

Curls bounced as Amari's toothless grin was exposed. His chunky body wiggles against the pillowtop mattress of his changing table. Ezri's tenor tone is still catching his son with a flustered surprise. 

Amari can watch him in amazement for hours. Rolling his fingers against his decorative skin or playing with his dad's stacked bracelets. Only to start back grinning helplessly.

As he strapped the fresh diaper around his son, EZ mindlessly glanced around for the remote. The sound in Amari's mounted TV was either going out or defective.

Nevertheless, he increased the volume as SportsCenter played highlights from last night's Lakers game. EZ was happy because he missed part of it while bathing Amari and getting him ready for bed.

His wife's night was interrupted due to an emergency at her workplace. Leaving Ezri and Mari on a late-night dad-and-son schedule.

"Da da...da da..." Small, chubby hands slapped against Ezri's chest. Pulling on the FTD t-shirt with each call.

The beeping couldn't interrupt his catch-up, but his firstborn could.

He fastened the onesie, knowing it would probably be unbuckled within seconds. Amari's hand did follow his father's, but sleep was taking over. It's been over four hours since they got up, and after a good afternoon freshen-up—Mari was ready to wind down.

"Ohh...c'mon," Ezri whispered, picking him up from the Buzz Lightyear station.

The two stood in their spot with EZ watching the analysts and Mari gripping his dad's shirt. Smiling and dozing off until the cycle is well over.

EZ rocked him off into his afternoon nap peacefully. With today's playtime being so lengthy; there was no telling how long Amari would sleep. But, that will give Chastity and Ezri some time to regroup together.

"You so fine being a Daddy, baby. Make me wanna give you a thousand more."

Chas stood in the doorway of the nursery. Dressed in a short robe and a pair of fuzzy slippers covering her feet. She grinned when Ezri turned around to her voice. His own mood lightened at the sight of his wife awoke.

She's been home since eight AM, but her official morning doesn't start until one PM. It's only that way three days out of the week — and Ezri doesn't mind. His businesses run themselves unless it's a race, and that would never interfere with her schedule. She's a priority in the Souvenir household.

"You tryin' to go make one real quick? I got 'em loaded up fa' ya, Sunshine. Whenever you want 'em," He joked, managing to pull her body closer while holding Amari on his shoulder.

Ezri wrapped an around her waist, making sure Chastity couldn't sip away. "If we start right now, we'll have his whole nap time."

"Ezri...you're so easy and nasty." Surprisingly, it was Chastity that guided his lips to hers. A simple peck, but it was enough. Her kisses were soft and tender against his mouth. EZ's hand dropped a few notches. Squeezing her pillow-soft backside through the fluffy material.

"I missed you last night, mama."

"I know and I'm sorry...that was the last time, I promise. And I'm off for a full week now. So, I'll be home with my boys," She told him, one of her fingers caressing the Amari tattoo over his eye. "No interruptions."

𝐄𝐙 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓Where stories live. Discover now