[Chapter 1] Incident: 'life taker.'

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You dug your fingers into the palm of your hand, hoping the pain could distract you from what was happening right infront of your eyes.

Your comrade- No.. your best friend, your crush, your will to live, who was just fighting a non-sorcerer called Toji before with you, was now >dead<.

Tears fell down your cheeks as you get closer to Satoru's body, your legs failing to carry you any longer.

And so, you fall to your knees, your trembling hands reaching out towards Satoru.

Right before you could make contact with him, your collar suddenly gets pulled backwards.

You didn't even care if it was Geto, or that monster who killed your best friend.

'Your only will to live has died infront of you, so why even bother?'

You thought to yourself, more tears appearing, blurring your vision as you cry your eyes out, silently.

Even so, your eyes were still glued to Satoru's body,
Which was getting farther every second.

You never realized it, but you were getting dragged somewhere far away from your life.

The sounds of your uniform getting dragged and possibly tearing on the ground was horrible,
Not to mention the speed that you were getting dragged at..

It made you wanna vomit.

Your attention goes back to..


The second you were about to focus on Satoru again, he was..


'no..no no no no.. NO!!'

You couldn't even mourn his death, even worse, you couldn't even say your last goodbye before he was taken out of your life..


You clutch your hand, and feel something in between your palm and your fingers.

You look down, bringing your hand closely to your face so you could see it.

There it was, Satoru's Glasses.

The very last object that belong to him after he was completely gone. You clutch the object tightly in yur hand as to not let go,

As if you were holding onto the very last piece of your life.

Maybe because you were.
You looked up to see Geto, your friend, who was still dragging you by your collar.

You pondered on why he was dragging you, and so you asked.

"Suguru?.. why-"
The noise all around you was infuriating, it over-spoke you.


You screamed, hoping he could hear you.
You could feel the sudden halt, as your back crashes into his leg, before he resumes running.

You know the reason why.

You're a cursed speech user, and usually CS users can't speak normally or else people who can hear you (let's pretend you said 'die')
Will literally do what you said. It's like mind control,
but it can and will hurt the user as it can somehow backfire on the user and result in sore throats,
Coughing up blood, and/or losing the abilty to speak.

Though as for you, you were specialZ.
(Help, when i was typing this i wanted to put the period there but it put Z instead lol, 'you are my specialz')

Somehow, you had the ability to turn it off, rendering other people speechless once they had found out.

It was strange, but pretty useful.
Though, you still limit your vocabulary
Just incase it was turned on.

(Ya'll idk what to do kk? I'm still new to this jjk stuff so please have mercy on me 🙏)

You already knew the risks when it came to commanding and or usingyour cursed speech technique.

As for now, you're the strongest CS user.

But without Satoru, You'd rather want to die than even live this horrible 'life'.

AAAAND that's how it ends! (For now lol, this is just chaoter one i'm planning to make like.. 60+ chapters woohoo! Way to go, me.) This is a reminder to ya'll to please comment cuz i like seeing your funny comments hehe, ALSO, this is a unique kind of thing to do but..

Ya'll need to have 5 votes to get another chapter!

Yes, this story relies on votes and comments so i could publish another chapter. Please DO wait if it reaches 5 votes and 5 comments. I'm slow at stuff. Bye lovelies ❤️❤️💍

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