Chapter 1

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Slamming the door of my apartment I begrudgingly threw my keys into the basket beside the door, Delilah would be here in an hour and I can't cancel on her again. This would be the third time I have canceled on her and she's been reminding me for weeks that we were going out tonight, but to be honest I didn't have the energy or the funds to go out tonight. A soft sigh leaves my lips as my eyes shut. If I stick to one drink tonight I should still be able to make good decisions and we will not be going crazy tonight no matter how much Delilah wanted us to celebrate. I didn't see the need to celebrate, it was just my birthday.

No one had bothered to celebrate my birthday in years not since my mother had passed when I was 6. My father blamed me because I couldn't stop her from getting behind the wheel after she went to her friend Kim's house to score some type of drugs. On that day Kim had scored a lot and she split it with my mom. I couldn't tell you what she had ended up with since I was only 6 at the time. She had been getting jittery and irritable the last few days. She had sent me out to the car first to get myself buckled in since she told me I was a big girl who could do it myself. Once I was in the car and buckled in she came out of Kim's house and made her way to the car. I saw her wipe her nose before she entered the car, and then we were off.

It wasn't too long after that. I don't remember what happened all I know is that I woke up in a white room alone. My father came in hours later and he didn't look worried about me at all in fact he looked like he hated me. I found out that she passed on that day and nothing was ever the same. My mother and father might've been doing drugs but at least they loved me. I grew up very lonely and distant from my father because every time I tried to interact with him I'd get yelled at and when he'd use he'd apologize to me but then he'd realize he wasn't talking to my mom and then he'd get angry.

Around the age of 14 he had begun hurting me. It started out small with bruises no one would notice until it escalated. When I turned 16 I took refuge in the attic where my mothers things had been stored and I found out that my father wasn't my father after all. My biological father I had no clue of who that could've been but I found out that when I came into the hospital with my mother my father had requested a paternity test. I don't know why he asked for that but that helped explain why he was so distant with me from that day on.

A shudder ran through me as I ran my finger over the scar that had formed on the side of my neck. The scar was the worst one, I had confronted my father that day and he was very out of it I didn't know what he had been taking  or how much he had to drink but he came for me in that moment the large liquor bottle smashing against the wall beside my head a large piece of it lodging itself in the side of my neck. He luckily believed I was my mother at that moment and called the police. I passed out hearing him on the phone and then again woke up in a white room alone, except I wasn't alone there was another voice in my head. That day Aspen had made herself known and gave me the idea of trying to escape him. I filed for emancipation that same day. It took way too long for me to become emancipated and in the end it didn't matter I turned 18 before the paperwork went through. So I endured two more years of his torment except this time I was not alone. Aspen told me that one day we'd have a mate who would love us despite all of this. I didn't understand any of that until I turned 18 and I shifted into Aspen for the first time. I believed I was a monster but she reassured me that there were lots of us and that we belonged to ShallowMoon which was a werewolf pack that this little town we'd been confined to had been part of.

A hard knock had sounded from my door and that startled me out of my thoughts. I stopped rubbing the scar and let out a semi panicked breath before taking a deep breath and looking through my peep hole on my door. An irritated sign left my lips firmly killing the panic I had been feeling before. "He needs to take a hint." Aspen growled in the back of my head. I put the chain on my door and cracked it open coming face to face with my neighbor Travis. "What can I do for you, Travis?" The irritation obviously laced in my tone. He looked back at me with the shock of my tone written on his face, he has that same look each time we talk. He looks around as if he is trying to remember where his tongue went as if it had jumped down his throat. "Uh, I. Um, just wanted to see if we could have dinner? I know today is your birthday and we've been neighbors for about a year and I just want a chance with you?" His awkwardness was gone after the first 3 words proving to me that this was the exact reason for his knocking at my door. "Sorry Travis, I actually have plans tonight and I am not looking for any type of a relationship." Aspen nodded in the back of my head before telling me I needed to be more firm because this creepy loser would never have a chance. Especially after we came home to find him in our locked apartment. That day he claimed that the fire alarm had been going off and he wanted to make sure I was safe. Only one problem: I had taken the batteries out of the alarm to replace them that morning before I left for my shift at Joe's.

He looked at me in shock as if this wasn't the third time that I had rejected him. He hung his head before recovering and looking at me with a look that I would guess he thought would be seductive. "Common I could make you feel so good. I'd treat you right, I'd even consider settling down for you, no other girls, all you have to do is say yes." He said with a flirty tone in his voice. I had to stop myself from cringing as I felt the bile slowly making its way up my throat. Aspen was not pleased she knew we had a mate out there and this dipshit was not him. I looked at him and the irritation was very visible on my face. "No Travis as I have said the other three times you tried this I am not interested and you should look elsewhere." I said in a clipped tone, Aspen was impressed by the backbone she commented that I had just learned to grow. Travis looked pissed. "You'll want me one day..." he said with conviction before retreating to his apartment and I closed and locked my door once again. I signed heavily before checking the time and realized that I only had 30 minutes to get ready before Delilah would be here. I hung my head, giving up on the idea of canceling on her and walked to my bedroom to find something suitable to wear. After looking I marched into the bathroom to take a hot shower that was gonna be much shorter than my aching muscles demanded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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