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A few minutes after, he walks out, wrapping his arm around my shoulder as we walked down the hallway. He pulls out his phone texting Ri-an anonymously. "You look shaken, Kim Ri-an". Like I said, this is only the beginning. 

Park Devani's pov:

An ambulance came and carried out the bloody student. I looked at Kang ha who paid no mind to it. "Everybody to the auditorium" The announcement announces. Me and the rest of the students make our way in.

I could feel someone staring at me but I ignored it, already sensing who it was.  Me and Kang ha sat together as we waited for whoever was going to go on stage. Kang ha glances behind me before turning back around with his jaw clenched. I look at him asking him if he was ok.

He relaxes his face and smiles at me with a nod before putting his arm around my chair. I watched as the new principal made her way towards the podium.

"Hello Students, I am you're new principal Ms.Kang. I'm not sure how the last principal was with you guys but I am nothing like her. I will not tolerate any misbehavior or harassment towards the scholarship students regardless of how rich you are" she states.

I could feel the atmosphere change in the room. It had became tense. I could tell that the kids were a bit intimidated by what she just said.

"See I believe respect goes both ways. I also believe in an eye for an eye. Do not think for even a second, I'll turn my head the other way like your last principal did. I am different. Anyways I am sure you guys have seen the ambulance earlier, let's wish Jae-Hyeok a safe recovery. Everybody dismissed" she finishes.

The students get up start exiting, whispers filling up the room. Me and Kang ha make our way towards the exit. "Devani" I hear someone call out. I look back to see Woojin standing there. Kang ha gets behind me, blocking off Woojin.

"C'mon lets go" he whispered in my ear as we exited the auditorium. "I need to meet up with Ju-won. I won't be with you during lunch today" I infromed him as we made our way to class. He nods as we take our seats. 

Class was finally over. I walked over to Ju-won. "Hey, I gotta talk to you. Follow me" I instructed. We walk out the building and outside to one of the small tables. "Ok so you're probably confused one what I needed to talk to you about. I have a plan and I want you to take part in it" I confessed.

He looks at me confused. "What's the plan?" he asks. "I want you to run a social media account that slowly exposes and lets the whole world know everything. I want you to help me ruin them" I stated. Ju-won facial expression changed. He looks a bit conflicted but leaned forward.

"Ok, what do you want me to do first?" he asks. "I want you to create an account with the name Jooshin's truth. Make it public so that people can follow and view it. Use a back up phone for this. Also program it so that everybody from the school already follows the account. I'll tell you what to post so don't worry. That's all for right now" I instructed.

He nods. "Yea, I can do that" he agrees. "Ok nice doing business with you" I stated as we both stood up and shook hands before parting ways.

This was good everything was going according to plan. I see Woojin, Ri-an, and He-ra standing in the hallway. They were conversing with concerned looks on their faces. I kept walking not really caring. What they were talking about is none of my business anyways.

They noticed my presence and stopped talking. Why they stop talking? It's not I'm gonna bite or anything. Woojin steps in front of me, cutting me off. "Can we talk?" He asks. "Sorry, I'm busy" I responded coldly as I walked past him. He seriously thought he could talk to me after what he did. I scoffed as I made my way back to class. Now that Jae-i was gone, it seemed like their little group is lost.

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