26. Charade

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"Mili?" Rose softly called. Miliani was seated behind Rose tenderly messaging Rose's head with a light hair oil.

"Hmm?" She answered carefully working with her fingers, aiding to Rose's relaxation.

The final stages of the pregnancy are indeed very difficult to bear. Rose's feet have swollen, she finds it hard to straighten her back properly due to the heaviness of her belly, her breaths have become shortened, she often feels painful cramps in her lower back, also the excessive tiredness consuming her body does not help either. But whenever Miliani messages her scalp and then, reads Rose some of her favourite books, Rose finds it quite relieving.

"How about you finish your school, get that degree and enrol for some college?" Observing Miliani's keen interest in studies Rosalia suggested. Also, deep down, Rose does not want her to serve as a maid in this mansion forever. She wants her to fight against her fate and leave behind the dark days.

Miliani was taken aback, nobody ever really thought about her in any way. After she was sold to the Romanos against her will, she had to drop out of high school. Even though she was home schooled all her life, still she used to dream of attending medical school and becoming a nurse so that she could become more helpful to her sightless mother.

"Will I be able to do this?" Mili optimistically wanted to know, she curiously peeped at Rose's face from the side with her eyes inquisitive.

"Why not! I'll figure it out for you," Rose assured her patting on Mili's hand that was resting on her shoulder.

"Thank you," Mili chirped like a little joyful bird and quickly pecked Rose on her cheeks making her giggle.

After a little more of Rose's relaxing session, when Miliani grabbed the recent book she was reading to Rose, her face turned pale. Before she could quickly turn the page, Rose asked about what happened.

Miliani showed her the chit of paper that she had kept inside her book. For the past two weeks, Caspian had been trying to reach Rose anyhow. Having no other option, he would send his message like this through Miliani. Rose sighed in frustration. Rose has written back to him twice letting him know about her conditions but he would dearly insist Rose meet him in private as he had something urgent to convey that according to him could only be talked about in private and while being face to face.

In today's note, he wrote that he would be leaving the mansion within a few hours as he could no longer extend his stay. It was urgently important for Rose to meet him before he left.

'I'll be waiting for you at the garden yard' He insisted.

The previously known Caspian was never a man to force anything but the amount of insistence he was putting upon Rose made her agitated. She asked Miliani to come along and slowly proceeded towards the garden yard.

Quite a hectic journey it felt for Rose from her bedroom towards the garden yard as she was due in less than seven weeks but the doctor informed her it could be anywhere between three to seven weeks depending on the contraction of her muscles.

Nervously Rose shifted her weight from one foot to the other with Miliani by her side. She did not want to deal with any misunderstandings with Kevin, not anymore, not after he had been so supportive and loving throughout her pregnancy. He took care of her mentally, physically, emotionally and in every way possible which made Rose believe in the strength of his commitment and devotion towards her. It was not only him, Rose also found herself to be flawed, rigid and inconsiderate at times. Little did she know, if she had been patient and kind towards her husband like she was to everyone, if she had given him a mere chance things might have been much different since the beginning. Somehow she had also unknowingly watered the seeds of numerous misunderstandings being tricked by her own naivety.

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