Chap 23 - Not an empty threat

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Author's POV

Ahaan was standing numb at his place, repeating the threat of Alisha continuously in his mind, until Aryan shook him and trance got broken.

"Calm down baccha, come sit here." Aryan said with utmost care and made Ahaan sit on the sofa.

"Have some water my child. See, your breathing became uneven." Karuna said and made Ahaan drink some water.

"What is happening here? Care to explain Mr. ?" This time, Kriya spoke while passing death glares to Ahaan.

"Be sensitive Kriya!! Look at him, what's his condition is?" Naman scolded Kriya and sat beside Ahaan, and comforting him, he asked lovingly, "Is there anything you want to tell us? No problem if you don't want to tell now, tell us whenever you feel like bete."

Ahaan looked at him with his teary eyes and now, unable to control his emotions anymore, he huggedhis father tightly and started crying softly in his embrace.

Naman said nothing, but his heart clenched watching his son crying like this, he just continued to soothe him and after sometime, Ahaan stopped crying and looked at his father, who was encouraging him through his eyes.

Ahaan wrapped up all the courage within him and said, "I want to tell you now, everything, whatever happened!"

And then Ahaan started narratting everything to them since the very beginning, how they met?, what happened after that?, how she put offer infront of him?, how she pretended to change and said sorry to him?, how slowly and steady she trappedhim in her lie?, his he started to like her and how he got to know truth about her that day?

Till Ahaan finished his narration, everybody's eyes were wide with the shock. They literally couldn't believe that  Ahaan was somehow related to Alisha Malhotra,who was none other than, the only daughter of the one and only Pradeep Malhotra.

"Ahaan, in flow of emotions, you did a mistake. You don't know them, they are dangerous. I am not having the good feelings the way Jai was looking at you and Alisha's threat isn't helping either." Aryan stated, looking tensed.

Ahaan too regreted his decision of lashing out at Alisha but reasoned himself saying, "I didn't want to do it bhai, but I was too emotional at that moment to think straight, not just this time, but everytime, the situation was alike and I was too overwhelmed. It was just the heat of moment."

Naman patted his head consoling him and said, "It's okay bete, whatever happened, just happened, we can't fix the past. Although I can't assure you about everything will be fine, but I can assure you one thing that no matter what, your family is with you in every situation."

Everybody was agree with Naman's statement as everybody loved Ahaan equally and obviously it wasn't the fault of that poor boy that he caught the attention of that girl. Ahaan just looked at his family lovingly, wondering how can he beso lucky to have them as family.

Naman got up from his seat and joining his hands in front Bhaskar, he said with guilt, "I am really very sorry Bhaskar. I literally didn't have any idea that this all could happend. I never intended to insult you, but whatever happened wasn't pleasant and I heartily apologize for that,and I really doubt that we can proceedthis wedding till the problems get sorted and as per the situation, even if we proceed wedding then my only concern would be Bani, I don't want her to suffer because of us. Sorry!!"

Bhaskar held his hands in his and shaking his head, said, "No, please don't apologise. Remember, we are friends amd friends don't apologise and specially, when there is no mistake. I can understand your situation, nobody is at fault here, the fault is of the destiny."

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