Chapter One - Assimilation

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The window shattered into hundreds of fragments, suddenly a simulacrum swung through the gaps in the glass. The guards drew their guns but to no avail, the synthetic batted away one with its bare arm, another being impaled through the chest, blood trickled from the wound and the simulacrum's fingers, painting over the white tempered plating.

It smashed the face of another guard into a large screen, fragmenting the glass and shredding the flesh off of his face, killing him. The others held back the sim while another drew his gun to its forehead, it shattered into a black mist that choked and decimated the surrounding men, the simulacrum materialised again, facing the broken window. The target's wife shot at it, the bullet ricocheting off of the jump kit on its back. The woman looked frightened as it knelt down and racked a pistol from the floor aiming at her and firing.

A shrill screech erupted from the other side of the room. "Mama!" The child's father pushed her into an elevator to escape the building alive, knowing that he wouldn't. "I love you" he said before he was hurled through the glass window. The simulacrum's piercing glare bored a hole through the man's head, "What the hell are you!?" he asked with slight anger.

"Death", it clasped its hand around his neck and crushed it watching his corpse fall from the building.

"CUT!" the director yelled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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