Chapter 10: Incoming impact

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"Hurry! The poison takes effect within an hour! Also, Spoils come from shroudens, were you travelling with one or something?" Berry was still puzzled by everything that was happening. "And gosh, You have big robot hands!" Abdul rushed her to an isolated shed not far from all the cottages and houses. The shed had lots of trinkets and gadgets in it, and a long table, most likely used for treating people. "Sit on the table" Berry sat on the long table. "Ahem..." Abdul coughed. "Now throw up!" Berry coughed and spluttered out puke. "What...? What was that for? And how?" She said. "Tidal chip, I got it recently actually," Berry lifted her head. "Hey! I've heard of that one!" Abdul gleefully smiled. "Doesn't it um... control water or something?" She asked. "Yep, that also means I control the water in your body, which means I can make you, um... puke..." he said awkwardly. "I found it in a random neighbourhood not too far from here..." Abdul said. Berry thought for a moment. No way, random neighbourhood? Tidal chip? He has to have somehow picked up the pieces of it, this couldn't have been a coincidence. "Were the pieces of the chip broken?" Abdul nodded. "How'd you know?" Berry tensed up and said, "Just a guess... um, I guess..." Abdul frowned and then said, "Hm... Berry, you look... very weak..." She cocked an eyebrow "I do?" Abdul nodded. "Do you have a Whimsicore?" he said. "Yeah... I have Static..." Berry uttered. Abdul's eyes enlarged. "Static takes the most body energy from you!" he stated. "But you'll be fine I think. It's late... get some rest and I'll buy you some raspberries tomorrow if you want" immediately, her face lit up. "One more thing... why did you come here?" Abdul said while tilting his head. "Well, I'm trying to destroy all pieces of the everlume so humanity can flourish again! And I came because I saw a human driving the train so I thought it would be safe here-" Abdul looked at her in immense disapproval. "The everlume, huh... I've heard stories..." Abdul stared at a wall for a moment. Frantically shaking his head, he said, "Anyway, good night! just knock on a door and say, 'I'm new here' and they'll let you sleep at their place!" Berry looked at him strangely and walked out of the shed and onto the pathway. She was now onto the once bustling, now sparse street. She wished Mitten was here so she could buy another huge raspberry. Suddenly, Abdul came from behind and put Berry in a driving chokehold. "Remember me?" he happily smirked.

Berry was acutely confused, but Abdul's eyes were fully red, just the kind of red that she saw when people were being controlled by shroudens. "What the hell are you talking about? Let go of me!" Berry yelled. "Remember!" Abdul screamed. "What do you mean?" She shouted while trying to separate his hands. Abdul sighed, and then the anchor Berry saw when she met Archeon materialised, the chain attached to Abdul's left arm and preparing to strike her. She was losing oxygen and was struggling to breathe, but when the anchor descended swiftly, her survival instincts kicked in and she stretched out her right hand and stopped the anchor. "Well, you're strong, robot hands..." Blurted Abdul. "But not strong enough!" The anchor ascended and bashed her robot hands again, but the strike generated water, seeping into the mechanics, and disabling her right hand. Berry raised her left hand, pointed it at Abdul's face blindly, and shot a loud beam of electricity from her hands, successfully hitting him in the face, staggering him and releasing her from the chokehold. Berry kept a safe distance from Abdul. "You really... don't remember me?" he muttered. He tilted his head sadly, and In an instant, he threw his anchor towards Berry and hooked her, pulling her right to Abdul's face. "I'm... Below!" He grinned ear to ear. Suddenly, he started to jitter and gag, then he fell onto the floor on his back. The anchor disappeared, freeing her, and the pitch black being crawled out of out of Abdul's mouth. He had a clear "X" mark on his face and was staring at Berry, with his stretched-out, lined eyes, clawed by Kitan. "気をつけて、死ぬかもしれないよ、電気少女" Below said in Japanese.

"What the hell did he say?"

To be continued...

( apologies for the huge break, I kinda needed to take a break from writing and focus on school... ^. ^; )


By the way, Don't be shy to tell me if there are any mistakes or errors in my writing, please!!! :>

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