ep one/enemies to lovers

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(The girl, also named Kate. Is the student that get's bullied by someone named, Elaina.) Kate wakes up, as she facepalms. Knowing she will see her bully when she gets to school, "ugh... That girl Elaina annoys me so much!" Kate said. Mumbling to herself, as she takes a bath and starts getting ready for school, and then Kate changes her clothes after drying herself, and she changes into her school uniform, then put her thing's inside her backpack, as her mom cooked pancakes for Kate, and Kate eats the pancakes, since she still has enough time, then she finished after 15 minutes later. "The pancakes are delicious! Thanks, and I will go to school now!" Kate said to her mom "stay safe! Bye" the mom said, seemingly strangely excitingly and happy... "Hm... Bye!" Kate said, as she goes to school, and she checks the schedule, and it's time for math class "darn it..." Kate is not happy about the first class, as she goes to math class, then suddenly bumps into Elaine "hey, watch where you're going loser!" *Elaine said, then pushed Kate aside and they both went to class, then they found out they both had the same class today, and the teacher made Elaine sit next to Kate, as Elaine looked at Kate "not you again... Darn it!.." Elaine said to kate, with a whispering tone, so the teacher won't hear "what did you expect? The teacher is so random." Kate said, whispering to Elaine "whatever..." Elaine said, looking away with an annoyed look, and the students are gossiping, then a student that act's like a teacher's pet, slams their hand on the desk, and yelled at everyone. Like an annoying #sshole! "EVERYONE, SHUT UP!" The annoying teacher's pet student said, while everyone else glared at the annoying student that act's like a teacher's pet. Even the teacher glare's at the annoying student too, as the teacher hands out everyone their math test "alright everyone, you have... About an hour to complete your test! And if you are finished, just put your test on my desk for now, until everyone is done." The math teacher said, and set a timer to one hour, so the teacher will know, and after an hour passed, everyone is done and handed their tests to the math teacher. As the math teacher gives the annoying student a D-, and Kate an B+, and Elaine an A-, and next class is music class, as the music class goes on for about an hour, and time skip to when art class is done, then it's break time, and the pick me girl finally has a boyfriend, a cringe boyfriend... As Kate looks at the pick me girl and said "why is your boyfriend like that... Why the heck is he acting like a gorilla?" Kate said, as the pick me girl responds with "oh shut up! Don't say things to my pookie alpha male strong wolf boyfriend like that!" The pick me girl said, as The boyfriend responds with "i'll punch you! And show you how strong I am, as I am the alpha!" The boyfriend was about to punch Kate, then Elaine slapped and punched the pick me girl and the weird boyfriend. As Elaine kicked the weird boyfriend to the floor, and stomped on his head like it's roblox, so casually, as she carries Kate quickly, and ran to a different hallway out of sight of the weird couple, as Elaine looked at Kate, and suddenly felt butterflies in her stomach, and quickly dropped Kate, as Elaine quickly ran to a bench, out of kate's sight, while blushing and mumbling to herself "gosh... What the heck am I feeling?! I never felt this way for anyone..." Elaine said, then she sigh's, as break time is over, and they went to their next class, P.E, the class took an hour too, and next is gym class, as Kate and Elaine went to gym class, both feeling embarrassed from what happened at break time, but still cringing st the thoughts of the pick me girl, as gym class lasted an hour too, then it's time for lunch break, as they both went to the cafeteria, and the weird couple was still bleeding from their faces a bit, since they went to the medical room
(To be continued...)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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