Commitment: Nia

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C H A P T E R 24

Short chapter ahead...

When Sanders came back i asked for permission to go to the restroom leaving Apollo alone in the room with Sanders and his men.

It hurts to see him and it hurts more to know that I still love and care for him even after he betrayed my trust.

I know what I said the day of the ball that I wouldn't let him fool me anymore but I lied. I'm fooled. Again.

I thought telling him that I loved him would help him understand that he loved me too but he didn't say it back.

Submit, he said.

I thought seeing him was going to be okay and I wasn't going to have anymore feelings towards him but I did and that hurts like shit.

I wanted to rip his head off.

Maybe if it was a few weeks ago then I would have. I would've fell on my knees for the man and begged him to be with me but he lies too much. I can't deal with it anymore.

It's time I really truly let Apollo go.

I ran to the bathroom and let my tears fall. I'm letting them go until I couldn't anymore. My chest swelled painfully and my body shook uncontrollably. I was losing my mind.

After a few seconds I finally calmed down and was ready to leave the bathroom when Kali busted in with a smug smile.

"Aw is little Nia sad?" She sneered, standing close to my side while glaring coldly at me.

I turned my head slowly in her direction breathing heavily. "Kali, leave me alone."

"Why should I? It's about time you see who Apollo really cares for. You had your fun with my man and I already let you think you could beat me. It honestly feels good to see you.." she wraps a finger around a strand of my hair and I swatted her hand away. "Looking a mess."

"I swear to god if you don't leave right now I won't promise not to hurt you." I threatened, clenching my fist.

"Hurt me?" She cackles. "Please. You're already in too much pain to even lay a hand on me. One flick and I could have you on the floor begging for mercy."

"Fuck you."

"Ditto." She winks. "So, back to my question that I was rudely interrupted by." She starts and I frowned in confusion. "How has Sanders and his men been treating you? Good I hope?" She smirks. "I'm sure the water boarding wasn't too much?"

"You don't know anything." I narrowed my eyes.

"I know enough." She scoffed and there was a look in her eyes that I couldn't read well.

That was until it clicked. "How did you know what they were doing to me?" I asked cautiously and she takes a step back.

"What are you talking about?" She plays dumb but the shock and nerves was evident on his face.

I took a step closer. "How do you know that he water boarded me? Hm? Because if I remember correctly, Sanders didn't mention anything about my torture in the meeting, so how do you know this specific detail?"

Her eyes flicker in panic but she quickly tries to mask it away. "I-I didn't."

"You're a mole." I stated, seeing the blood drain from her pretty little face. "You're working for Sanders."

She gaps but remains silent. I caught you.
It makes sense as to how Sanders stayed two steps ahead of us every time and what Draco had meant by there being a 'she' being a big help to Sanders's plan.

Kali was the one telling him everything.

An evil smile plays on my lips. "Does your husband know this about you?"

She narrows in on me. "You wouldn't."

"I would." I nodded.

"He wouldn't believe you." She quivers.

"Oh?" I tilted my head.

"He just found out that you chose Sanders side do you really think he'll believe you about his wife betraying him?"

I thought on that.

She's right. If I told him now he would think that I was trying to trick him into turning on his own. Apollo is the type of man who doesn't go off your word but his own eyes. He would need to see it for himself. "You're right, he won't. But I'm sure he'll find out soon enough." I grinned. "Nice talk Kali, I'll be seeing you." I tapped her shoulder and walked past her to leave.

But Kali grabs my arm and forces me forward.  She bends down to meet my eye level. "If you dare tell a soul I will personally make it my mission to kill you myself."

I snorted. "Don't threaten me with a good time."

"I'm warning you Nia. Say anything and I will-"

I raised a brow and got in her face. "You will what? Kill me right? I'm already dead Kali, you couldn't do any more damage to me. Now let go of my arm." I tried to get out of her grin but she tightens her hold making me wince.

"Make me." She challenged and I nodded slowly.

"Okay." I quickly did a move that had her arm twisted uncomfortably behind her back. A snap is heard when I twisted it harder and she lets out a scream.


I bend down so that my mouth was close to her ear. "Do you still want to test me? My body may look like it's damaged but my strength is still the same. Now again, don't threaten me with a good time Kali." I let her go and shoved her forward.

She falls to the floor holding her arm while I stared down at her in disgust.

I huffed. "And this is the bitch he chose over me." I said to myself. "Pitiful."

I left her there and walked out feeling my hatred for her and Apollo heightening.

Sanders was outside of the office talking to a guard when he seen me. He frowns slightly but walks towards me with his arms out. I stared up at him blankly as he checks me over.

"Nia, are you okay?"

"I want revenge." I said suddenly.

"I'm sorry?" He questions while stepping back.

I elaborated. "I want revenge on Apollo and his whole team. Teach me, please."

"My girl." He grins widely, clasping his hands together in sick glee. "I knew you'd come around."

He didn't further explain but I knew what he meant.

He made this meeting not to gloat in Apollo's face but to show me who was really on my side.

The answer? No one.

A/N: I just want to say that the communication between those two sucks balls

COMMITMENT: BWWM ✔️   Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now