Waking up to my pig

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Angel woke up slowly, he honestly hated today... or any day really. After every day though, he always looks forward to talking to Husk. Although it scared the living gay out of him, he enjoyed talking to him. Even if he usually saw through his horny ass bravado.

Angel looked over to see his pet pig beside him, Fat nuggets. Let's be honest, he's cute as hell. Angel got up and took a shower. The water soothing as it filtered through his fur, cleaning the shit from yesterday. He hated how working made him feel disgusting, in and out.

Val was more than rough; he had some type of waterboarding shit planned yesterday. But honestly, how is that a kink? Either way, he plans to not get in a pool or anything anytime soon. He just needed a shower. Getting body fluids of all types off and out of his fur.

He got out of the shower, feeling much cleaner. he lazily scrubbed his fur dry-ish and continued with his routine, he didn't bother with makeup, he was to wet. Instead, he just walked out, not even caring how he looks. He was a minute late to the stupid daily redemption meeting.

"Why the hell are you late!?" yelled Vaggie in a not-so-hushed-tone. 

"No reason." Angel replied, trying to seem nonchalant, but he really didn't mean to.

"There is a reason, so spill it." Vaggie was more than demanding.

"Maybe we should-" Charlie started but was quickly stopped by Vaggie.

"No, he needs to take responsibility for his own idiotic actions."

"Whateva' vagina." Angel walked out of the hotel, not in the mood.

It was more than hot. It was fucking burning outside. But Angel didn't care. he just doesn't. What's the point? No reason debating over it.


Angel took a deep breath. It was now more than a few hours later. All he did was walk. No sex, drugs, alcohol, and he surprisingly was left alone. For once. He was in front of the hotel. about to enter when he heard yelling.

"Why the hell did we let him leave?!" It was Vaggie, yelling about him leaving. She obviously regrets letting him leave, but he honestly just needs time.

"I don't know Vaggie, but he just needs time, he will be back."

Angel opened the door.

Charlie immediately ran over to him.

"Angel!" She went for a hug, but he didn't feel like human contact was his go-to comfort right now.

He put his arm out, just to keep from getting touched more than he wanted. He took a moment to make sure he didn't hurt her, he didn't. She still looked hurt though, like a kid denied candy.

"I'm sorry princess, but I'm not in the mood for a hug." He wasn't lying.

"Oh... okay." She backed away slowly. "Sorry."

"You're good. No harm caused right?" He was trying to make her feel better, but it wasn't working.

"Yeah... Yeah, no harm caused." Charlie was lying. It probably hurt her, she was just comforting trying him.

"Why the hell are being all separate?" Vaggie said in an accusing tone.

"I can get close~" He was disgusted, why did he say that it was clear as day he didn't want to do that.

"Angel. Stop." Vaggie said in a demanding tone.

"Fine! I'm done! I'm Fucking done! I've been touched in multiple places! Whether I like it or not! I don't want to talk! I don't want to socialize! Just leave me be!" He threw something at Vaggie, he doesn't know what it was. He just doesn't care. He could hear her scream.

"Come back here Angel!" Nope. Just nope.


*Next day.* It was the next morning. He just walked out of his room. He didn't get a shower. Nothing. He just got up and walked into the lobby. He sat down without a word. He was frowning. he knew he was. 

"Today we are saying something we are proud of!" Said Charlie cheerily.

Alastor went first. "I'm proud of K̸̢̺̗̲̣͖̭͈̗̇̇̅͊͜͝į̴̱͕̋̚ͅl̸̢̢̬͔̹̤̣̤̦̄̀̄̒͒l̶̛̩͌̈͒̿̉͘͠͝ǐ̵̥͛͐̓̾̒͠͠n̸͙͖̗̳̫̮̾̇̅͠ĝ̶͖͖̻́̓..."

"Okay?" Charlie was confused as hell.

Vaggie went next, "I'm proud of... helping here."

And so on, Husk is happy about drinking, like, one bottle less a day, Nif' is happy to clean, and I...

"Uhm... I'm proud of..." Shit. Am I proud? Of anything?

"Of... Nothing. Fuck. I'm not proud at all." 

Ha you gotta wait~ I'm tired though.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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