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This is a short insert, I apologize. Please bear with me. Happy Reading, Enjoy!

Ndlalifa Mhlongo


Things have been okay and good except for the issues back home. My mom is staying with us and we all couldn't be happier. I'm also getting along just fine with her and she also seems to have adjusted pretty well here. I also just love seeing her getting along so well with my wife which makes me not doubt that Noma is really the one for me.

Uncle: "Mshana." that's his greeting as he enters my office. I was back at work which I was totally against but the women of the house ganged up on me and told me to go back to work as they still going to need money for their shopping sprees.

Me: "Sawubona malume." I shake his hand after standing up to welcome him. I call the recep lady to bring some refreshments for us. She walks in after a few minutes and leaves the drinks on my desk before she turns and walks away.

Uncle: "You know I don't just visit, I'm here for some serious matters." he says then takes a sip of his coffee.

Me: "Yebo. What matters are those malume?"

Uncle: "You are a family man now. You are on a journey of becoming a husband too, mshana." I grin nodding.

Me: "Yebo malume."

Uncle: "Show it phela!"

Me: "..."

Uncle: "You have to show it by being able to look after your family, whether you're here or away but your family should always come first. Protect your family with everything you have and with all your power."

Me: "I hear you malume."

Uncle: "I don't want you to just hear me, I want you to listen and do right. Let your actions speak louder than your words."

Me: "..."

Uncle: "The first step in all of that, is to deal with that girl. Why are you just sitting around?! Why are you watching your wife suffer while she is pregnant?! You of all people should know that you can't just sit around and watch. You're supposed to make sure that your wife is happy all the time."

Me: "I hear you malume." My father's brother walks in and also takes a seat.

Uncle Mhlongo: "He is right son. When you decided that you wanted to marry that girl, she became your responsibility. When they say a man is a provider, it doesn't mean be a provider financially kuphela but also be there for your family emotionally and physically. Provide your family with emotional stability and to do that, you have to be there for them and always make sure they are okay and happy."

Me: "Yebo baba."

Uncle Mhlongo: "I want you to pack your things right now and go home. Talk with your wife, everything is happening all at once for her and nobody deserves such."

Uncle: "For now, leave the girl to us. We will find her and make her talk." I nod hesitantly.  They both wait for me as I pack my things and then call the reception to let them cancel all of my meetings for the day. I really need a PA. We walk together to the parking lot and bid goodbyes as we get into our cars and go our separate ways.

I get home to find my wife and mom cooking while my boys make noise in the living room. Now, this is what I would love to see every day of my life. I walk over to the women, I hug my mom, and kiss her head before kissing my wife.

Noma: "Hi baby."

Me: "I missed you."

Noma: "Me too." wasn't she ganging up on me with Mom about me going back to work?

Mom: "Hhayi! Sukani la!" she says hitting us with a dishcloth as we were kissing.

Me: "Come help me change baby." I take her hand and we go to our room. I place my bag carefully on the couch then undress and wear something comfortable. I join her in bed and hold her in my arms.

Noma: "Aren't we going back downstairs? You have to eat."

Me: "No, I want us to talk." she sighs.

Noma: "Oh?"

Me: "How are you feeling about everything that's been happening?" her eyes immediately get filled with tears. Now I see, how neglectful I have been to her.

Noma: "Kubuhlungu Ndlalifa. It hurts so much."

Me: "Talk to me baby, what hurts?" she sobs silently for a moment before she starts talking again

Noma: "I miss my family and it hurts ukuthi they did me like that. It hurts not even having my mom call and ask about her grandsons. My best friend, someone I thought was my sister, just betrayed me. She hurt me so badly and then I had to lose my child. I lose a child that I won't even get to bury because my body will absorb his remains. Right now, I hate my body so much Ndlalifa." she cries some more.

Let me know your thoughts.

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