1. Early Mornings and Traveling Troubles

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The light fron the halls of the base seeping under his barracks door was what woke Phillip up. With hardly any missions or paperwork usually almost nobody was up. Taking time graciously to get some extra hours and allow their brains to recover. And to Phillip's dismay, it was as if everyone on base decided to wake up early and start their days without him! How dare they, did they think he was vermin? Or had there been a simple misunderstanding and Phillip was left out of the run? He didn't know, the light seeping into his barracks just made him grouchy. Rolling over so his front faced the wall his bed was nestled against he closed his eyes. The warmth of the sheets and blankets was too inviting to ignore. Coaxing him back into a lucid slumber, he quickly nestled himself deeper within the warmth. His arm supported his head against the pillows as he found himself satisfied with sleeping just a little bit longer. It had been only 30 minutes before he jump-started his morning, rolling over he slowly sat up, rubbing sleepies from his eyes he blinked the exhaustion out of his eyes. His legs swung out from under his blankets. His feet met the cold hardwood floor of the barracks, he took a minute to gain his balance before he stood up. Walking to the bathroom he began his routine. Starting with a shower, the hot water stinging his skin as he got in. Beginning his shower routine.
It was almost a half hour later when Phillip came out of the shower. Quickly he dried off, his hair still a bit damp but he didn't mind. He quickly combed his hair into his regular style. Quickly putting in massive amounts of hair gel into it so it would stay. He put on some cologne before exiting his bathroom. He walked over to his dresser, putting on a fresh set of boxers and pants. Moving to the chair at his mini-desk, a sky-blue button-up shirt was resting on the back of the chair. He quickly put it on and buttoned it. Phillip quickly made sure his belt was tight yet comfortable. He grabbed a pair of socks, slipping them over his bare feet he grabbed his rather old pair of combat boots. Sliding them on he tied them quickly. Moving to the door of his barracks he unlocked it, turning the handle he opened the door. Entering... the rather busy hallway he closed and locked his door behind himself. Mentally reminded himself to start packing his bags after coffee and breakfast.
Phillip entered the common room. Taking note of how empty it was, odd. He moved over to the community kitchen. Grabbing the coffee pot off of the coffee maker he poured himself a cup of coffee. Putting the tiniest amount of coffee in it he waited for it to cool a tiny bit before taking a sip, leaning against the kitchen counter he zoned out. Staring blankly at the ceiling, his thoughts racing.
Y/N watched him from the corner they had placed themself in. Their icy blue eyes tracked his movements as he didn't even take notice of them. Their eyes were the color of seafoam, almost grey instead of blue. Y/N slowly slipped from their spot nestled in the corner of the room. Walking toward the unassuming and zoned-out Phillip, Y/N approached. Tapping Phillip on the shoulder.
Phillip jumped, his coffee sloshed in its confinement. Spilling over the top of the cup onto his bare hand. The hot coffee stings his already irritated skin.
"Shit!" Phillip yelped, almost dropping the mug as he placed it on the counter. Turning on the sink he ran his hand under cold water. Eyes burning holes in the back of his head.
Y/N stared at him curiously. Clearing their throat before speaking. Their tone is rather monotone compared to the curiosity and surprise within.
"Sir?" Y/N inquired. Waiting as Phillip gave a hum of acknowledgment was when Y/N continued. "I heard you were to leave today for... Vacation if I heard that right?" Y/N asked calmly, their hands clasped behind their back as they watched their commander.
Phillip let out a small huff. Some were nosey but Y/N was usually good at keeping their nose in the right places. "Ahuh. I am, you seem surprised, Y/N," He spoke calmly, glancing over his shoulder at them casually. Y/N kept a rather straight face yet the slight eyebrow raise gave them away to their feelings.
"Indeed I am, Sir. The other Lieutenants speak of rumors of you barely taking time off, yet those are only rumors. I can't help but find their rumors to have a possibility of being the truth, with how you act, Sir," Y/N spoke. Their eyes trailed up and down Phillips's body, never once meeting his eyes, their eyes quickly darting from his gaze when they felt him staring back.
Phillip took in a small breath. Exhaling heavily, Phillip responded. "Those are only rumors, Lieutenant. I give myself time off, just never use that time to visit family," Phillip's teeth ground together a bit after he spoke. His gaze focused straight on Y/N's eyes. Phillip cleared his throat after an awkward while of silence. "I better get packing, Y/N," He quickly dismissed them. Grabbing an apple from the fruit basket on one of the counters. He left the common room, he went to his Barracks, and unlocked the door. Slipping inside and closing the door behind him. He quickly went through his dresser, grabbed some clothing, and put it in a suitcase. He knew he had bath essentials at his house for when he got there so he didn't think about packing any from his barracks. Phillip quickly finished packing. Breathing a sigh of relief he made sure he had his phone, wallet, and keys with him. He opened the door to his barracks and left, locking and closing the door behind him as he made his way through the base.
Phillip found himself in the parking lot looking lost. He had zoned out and was lost in the parking lot. Trying to find his truck. His truck was a black 2018 Longhorn Ram Dually, so he shouldn't have trouble finding the damned thing, right? The only issue was that after searching for over an hour and a half he found he was at the wrong side of the parking lot. Phillip sighed as he walked into the section of the parking lot where his truck was. Unlocking the vehicle he put his suitcase in the back and opened the driver's door. Getting into the truck he put his foot on the break and pressed the start button. The engine roared to life, the radio had been turned off the last time he got in, so its usual blare of sound didn't hit his ears. He patiently waits for the engine to warm up, his gaze moved down towards his lap as his phone vibrated in his pocket. He took out his phone. Staring at it confused as a number he didn't know had texted it. Simply reading 'I see you, have fun. Commander.' Phillip gulped, his Adam's apple bobbing with his gulp. His gaze flickered around himself before his phone vibrated in his hand again. 'It's Y/N.' Was what it simply said, earning a sigh from Phillip, though he was still wary his heart rate slowly went down. Once he glanced up. Noting the truck had warmed up. He let his heart rate slow more as he checked the gas gauge. Noticing he'd have to stop and get gas pretty soon. Phillip grumbled softly to himself as he put his phone in his pocket. Putting the truck in gear he pulled from his parking spot.
Phillip was on the road 5 minutes later, the radio had been turned on and was blaring some country he wasn't paying attention to. His gaze stuck on the road but ever so often drifted away to stare at the scenery.
He was about a quarter in his drive. He had just passed a field full of Percheron yearlings when his fuel-low warning light came on. He glanced at the sign ahead. Noting the nearest gas station was about 10 miles away. He pulled into the gas station 10 minutes later, he turned the truck off he got out. Taking his wallet out he put his credit card into the gas pump. Starting to fill his truck with diesel.
5 minutes later he was back on the road.
Phillip huffed, he was stuck in traffic, a horrible accident up ahead. It would take forever to clean up he noted. So how long would he be stuck here? He wondered to himself. His gaze fell towards his lap momentarily before looking up to the road. It took forever before they began moving.... Very, very slowly
It was hours later when he pulled into his home driveway. It was late in the night when he got his keys out to unlock his front door. Entering the small house he took in a breath. It was exactly how he left it, organized. Except it was dusty, he would have to make do with that later. He took off his shoes, locking the door, not even taking time to change before he was headed straight for bed, slipping into the soft covers he was sound asleep quickly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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