'I Miss You'

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Castor and Pollux both arrived at Lunar's funeral, grieving over the loss or a friend, and a potential Lover of theirs.

Lunar, Eclipsa, Drop, Celestial

Everyone surrounded Lunar's Coffin, as Moon stepped up to the podium to speak.

Moon : Friends... Family... loved ones... pets... everyone.. we gather here today, to morn together over a loss of a friend, a brother, and a lover.. this day, Lunar, has peacefully passed away from this corruption lead from Space... we gather today to remember, to love, and to grieve over our lost one... if you have something to say, step up to the podium. Once we have all shared our thoughts, he will be lowered down into the grave, where he will rest in peace...

Earth Stepped up, as the tears slowly ran down her face.

Earth : there is so much to say and so much we changed.. I'm glad I was able to build such an Amazing relationship with you, brother. So many things we've done together, so many lives we've changed. So many things we've done to help this planet.. so many things you've done to help me. I will never throw any of it away.

Earth backs down, as Solar approaches, a Couple of tears rolling down, as he spoke

Solar : Every moment I spent with you throughout these years, must have been the best moments of my life. The amount of things we did together.. weather is was games, work, or something else, we've always made unforgettable memories together, no matter what the situation was, you were always there for me. You always helped me when I was down or upset, even if it hurt you too. You always helped me through it, and I will never forget what memories we made.

Solar backed down, as Moon stepped up, as he did speak, but he wanted to properly thank Lunar, even though he may never hear it.

Moon : When I returned, no matter how much you hated the other me after what he did, you still cared for me. No matter how much alike we were, you always spotted a difference. You changed our lives, making it a better place in which we always believed in, no matter what happened. You never backed down, no matter what. I've never met somebody so brave, understanding, and kind. If I could change this outcome, I would. And I will keep our promise, to make unforgettable memories with the family and your friends.

Moon backed down. As Castor patted Pollux, calming her and hiding his face in her hair, silently crying, he thought about the recent Memories made with Lunar. They had gotten closer, and it was difficult to let it all go. Along with that, the coffin lowered, getting covered in dirt and finally earning it's Pedestal. Everyone bent down to place Flowers, as Castor and Pollux did too. In the 370 Millions years Castor has been alive, he's never felt quiet this scarred by losing someone....

As everyone was crying together, Castor and Pollux were remaining quiet, although Plllux had a few occasional sniffles, and sobs. She began to speak to Castor.

Pollux : Why....

Castor looked at her confused, as he spoke through his tears.

Castor : Sniffle why what..?

Pollux : why did he have to go...

Castor remained quiet, as he pulled her in a hug, as she bawled her eyes out once again. A few minutes later when everyone was leaving, Castor stayed behind, as a couple of them noticed, keeping silent since this was new and odd for him. He placed a hand on the pedestal, as he spoke.

'I Love you.'

He removed his hand, as they all began to walk to the daycare together. As they do, Castor looks behind then to Lunars grave, and sheds more tears walking away...



Lunar said, confused. He wasn't on Earth..

'Hello Lunar.'

A voice came from behind.

'Where am I?'

'You are in the void. This is a place is where we look at you and see if you deserve another chance at life.'

He nods, as they looked into him for about 5 minutes.

'You may go to Earth. But you will not be normal.'

'How so?'

Lunar asked, confusingly.

'You are not an animetronic anymore. You are a guiding Star. An Astrol body.'


'Yes, now go, my child...'

'Thank you...'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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