VII - Orchestra

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(Buzz is in the thumbnail btw look closely👆👆👆👆👆👆)


"So... Do you bring your friends up here?"

Kevin, Buzz, and the Pigeon Lady were sitting in a room above the orchestra that was playing below them. Buzz was helping Kevin feed the pigeons and Kevin and Pigeon Lady talked.

PL: I haven't got many friends.

"Oh. Sorry."

PL: I'm not the birds I care for. People pass me in the street. They see me, they try to ignore me. They prefer I wasn't part of their city.

"Yeah. It's sort of like that with my family. I'm like the pigeon of the house just because I'm the youngest."

Buzz looked at the ground, knowing what he meant.

PL: Everyone fights for position. Everybody wants to be seen and heard.

"I guess so."

Kevin wiped his hands before going over to Pigeon Lady. Kevin sat down next to her before Buzz quickly followed.

"I'm seen and heard pretty much. But then I get sent to my room a lot too."

Pigeon Lady sighed.

PL: I wasn't always like this, you know?

"Oh? What were you like before?" 

PL: I had a job. I had a home. I had a family.

"Did you have any kids?"

PL: No. Oh, but I wanted them. But then, the man I loved fell out of love with me. That broke my heart. And whenever the chance to be loved again came along, I ran away from it. I just stopped trusting people.

"No offense, but that seems like sort of a dumb thing to do."

Buzz nudged him. Kevin snickered


PL: I was afraid of getting my heart broken again. Sometimes, you can trust a person, but when things are done, they forget about you.

"Maybe they're just busy. Maybe they don't forget about you. Maybe they just forget to remember you. I don't think people mean to forget. I think it just happens. My grandfather said: "If my head wasn't screwed on, I'd leave it on the school bus.""

PL: I'm just afraid that if I do trust someone, I'll get my heart broken again.

"I understand that. I used to have this really nice pair of rollerblades. I was afraid that if I wore them, I'd wreck them, so I kept them in the box. And you no what happened?"

PL: No.

"I outgrew them. I never wore them once outside. I just wore them in my room a couple times."

PL: A person's heart and a person's feelings are very different from skates.

"Well they're kind of the same thing. If you're not gonna use your heart, what's the difference if it gets broken? If you keep it to yourself, maybe it'll be like my rollerblades. When you do decide to try it, it won't be any good. You should take a chance. You got nothing to lose."

PL: There's the truth in there somewhere.

"I think so. Your heart might still be broken, but it isn't gone. If it was gone, you wouldn't be this nice."

Pigeon Lady paused for a second.

PL: Thank you. Did you know that it's been... A couple of years since I've talked to anybody? 

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