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This is after season 9 , in Lloyd's Pov..


It is two o'clock after midnight, and all the ninja are sleeping comfortably after their suffering with Harumi and Garmadon and their division into the world of oni and dragons.. But despite the fatigue he was suffering from, it was not enough to make him rest. There was something that made him sad enough to keep him awake and thinking.

Even though she deceived him by saying that she had feelings for him, and betrayed him and his team by claiming that she was on their side, and trying to kill him and his friends, and trying to give him a taste of emptiness like she used to do.. However, he was sad, not for losing her, but for what he had been through. He really loved her, and she knew that, but it did not change things except for the worse. This is all that was disturbing his thoughts and worrying him like this.. What made him more anxious were his father's words before he was arrested: 'They will come!'.. "who are they?!!" Lloyd said, wondering to himself, while sitting on one of the stairs of the monestary .. Sigh impatiently!
- When will all this end?!
- Why is all this happening to them
- How can he ensure his safety and the safety of his friends without harm?! 'Despite everything that was happening to us, we did not let it separate us. We were not distracted by problems or even distractions from each other. We were more than a team, or even friends. We were and still are a "family"...'

-What's up Lloyd?! . Another voice interrupted my train of thought. And it scared me!
- h-Hello, teacher. W-What are you doing at this.. late hour?!
-I think I'm the one who should ask...
- I was - I was just.. I mean, I felt insomnia, nothing more, S.. s.. so I wanted to, watch the.. stars!? ..My words sounded like a question, as if I wasn't really sure what i was doing !! I didn't get a response from master Wu, didn't he believe me? Of course he won't believe me, what is this nonsense!!?
-What worries you?

Master Wu is not only my master , he is my uncle, and given my father’s circumstances, I treat him as my father, my role model, and my teacher.
I took a very deep breath until I felt the world running out of air... and I released it slowly, as if someone were afraid of running out of air in his chest underneath the Water so he doesn't die by drowning.
And silence came... Before my uncle interrupted it again

-Are you still thinking about her?

Oh my God, am I being so clear??

-Who do you mean?? *Like a failed attempt on my part*
-You can be honest with me, Lloyd.
-...Yeahh..  *as a surrender on my part*
-Still care about her?
- *sigh* Yeahh...
Another silence, but shorter, followed by my uncle's voice
- many people will walk in and out of your life , but only true friends leaves footprint in your heart ..

Master wu's Pov .

Although Harumi is not the person I would express my regret for losing, I don't want to see Lloyd suffer like this. I will try to help him make him feel better.

There was a long silence, then I broke it to leave Lloyd thinking as he wanted:
I have to go to sleep. You know, staying up late like this is not our habit.
-And what woke you up? Or did you feel insomnia like me??
- No, it's just that I couldn't sleep while I found you awake. I said jokingly..
He smiled , a smile that was more like laughter,, as he got up with me. I could see satisfaction on his face. Maybe he just needed to be pushed forward to get over the matter.
- Good night, Lloyd.
-You too,,, master..

Lloyd's Pov


We each went to our rooms seeking rest, and while I was in bed, I thought to myself...
"Maybe it's not that bad. I mean, despite the difficulties we faced, we are still fine... and Harumi did not appreciate or respect my feelings, so why do I worry about it!?
At this point, my body muscles started to hurt, I really need to rest...”

And I surrendered to the power of sleep.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31 ⏰

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