The Funeral

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Octavia stared down at the grave stone, her eyes watering. Her nails dug into her arms and wet sleeves as her eyes traced the words written into the stone for the thousandth time.

Stolas of The Heirs Goetia, beloved husband, father, and friend.

Rain slipped down her cheeks mixed with tears, pink eyes red and puffy, legs shaky, shoulders trembling, stomach aching, and heart throbbing.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and jumped, scraping her knees on the stone in the muddy dirt she was kneeling in.

"Come on , kid. Let's go home." Blitz's eyes were red and tears were still slowly slipping down his cheeks. He was thin and his eyes were sunken and even more swollen than hers.

Octavia pulled away from him, "don't call me that,  dickhead."

Her heart and stomach ached and she had no heart left to feel empathy for her step-father, who very much shared the great pain of their loss.

"Octavia.." Blitz said in a tired, yet stern voice.

The baby in his arms cooed and reached up to him, crying for his attention. Blitz gently bounced her to keep her calm.

"What ?" Octavia said angrily, getting to her feet, standing above the imp. "I don't want to go home ! Everything there just- just-" she looked away, tearing up, "Reminds me of him.." she says quietly, her fists clenching.

Blitz sighs, "I know, kid-"

"STOP CALLING ME THAT !!" Octavia yelled, pink and purple magic swirling around her as she hovered above the ground. "IM NOT YOUR KID! I DONT EVEN LIKE YOU ! YOU'RE JUST SOME STUPID IMP! IF MY DAD HADN'T FUCKED AROUND WITH YOU AND GOTTEN KNOCKED UP BY A LOWER SPECIES, HE'D STILL BE ALIVE!!" She cries.

Blitz wrapped his arms around the baby as she started to cry, his frown tightening as he looked up at the angry avian.

"IF IT WASN'T FOR-" Octavia looked down at the crying baby. "FOR THEM ! DAD WOULD STILL BE ALIVE !!" She stepped forward, reaching out her glowing hands towards the child.

Blitz took a step back, blocking the baby. "You don't put a hand on your little sister, you hear me?" He said darkly. "You call her a half blood again or any other shitty slur and you'll regret it."

"Oh yeah ? What you gonna do, IMP ?" She glared down at him menacingly. "You can't hurt a Goetia."

Blitz pulled at his jacket collar and showed a flash of the silver, angelic metal of a gun. He narrowed his eyes at her.

"I call Bull. You wouldn't lay a finger on me." Octavia frowns.

"My job is to protect BOTH of my daughters."

"I'm not your-" She starts angrily, but Blitz interrupts her.

"Stolas's dying words were 'keep our daughters safe' so I think that covers it." Blitz grabs her wrist and opens a portal, dragging her through.

She yanked away, "Ugh ! Fuck off !"

Blitz glared at her. "Go be racist somewhere else."

She glared at him. "You can't tell me what to do!"

"It's still a good month away from your 18th birthday, and I'm your legal guardian now, so I think I can."


"Your ass is grounded until you can learn to love your sister. Or at least show her the Respect she deserves." His claws dig into his arm, "you'll learn pretty quick that if we don't show her love, she'll never have anyone that does, because of what you richasses call a 'half-blood.'"

Octavia glared at him, then yanked away. "Fine. I don't want to-" she wiped her tears. "I don't even wanna be here anyway."

She ran up the stairs, crying into her hands. She ran past the paintings of her and her father when she was little and the family portrait of her, Loona, Blitz, and Stolas.

She paused and looked up at it, heart pounding, stomach tight, tears streaming down her face.

Everyone in the portrait had looked so happy that day.. no idea what loss would come to them in only a few short weeks.

Blitz's hand was on Stolas's rounded stomach, his smile huge as Octavia and Loona hugged their dads' respectfully, smiling for the portrait.

Their family was whole and happy then..

Octavia burst into her room and threw shit off bookshelves and flipped her desk. She ran over to her bed and collapsed onto the blankets, sobbing her eyes out into her arms.

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