Sneaking & Cheating

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Ariyahs POV


Alex has been acting really weird ever since Monday after the meeting. So, when I woke up to her watching me sleep like a creep, I didn't think anything of it. "Baby what is going on with you? It's like you're more excited every day I open my eyes."

She shrugs. "Maybe because I'm loving the fact that I am the luckiest woman in the world who gets to wake up to the most beautiful woman in the entire universe." She exclaims kissing me. "Now get up and get ready for work. I already made breakfast." She says leaving the room basically jumping.

I love her so much. I get up to shower like I was told and then put on a white sleeveless fitted dress on and heels. I walk into the kitchen and watch Alex while she makes our plates. I love how she loves to cook for us. She's an amazing cook and if she wasn't such a good CFO, I'd push her to be a chef. She's wearing her signature three piece suit set in tan and a light blue undershirt rolled up to her elbows to show her tattoos and tone arms. And on her hands, god those hands, she has on silver rings that I bought her as an apology and early Christmas gift.

She notices my presence and smiles. "Hello gorgeous. Come eat please. You need to get to work." She says placing my plate down.

"Thank you baby. But why do you keep saying I need to go to work? Are you not going?" I ask confused because I don't remember her telling me she wouldn't be going.

"I have to finish getting everything from the apartment over here so Malin can move her stuff in. She didn't tell you?" She informs while drinking a glass of orange juice.

I shake my head. "Uh no she didn't or it just passed my mind. I'm sorry baby. I can help you if you want." I offer not wanting her to have to do everything herself because I don't remember her telling me.

"No baby. Isiah is helping." She shrugs.

I eye her suspiciously. "So why are you dressed for work?" I put my arms on the island after I finish my food.

"Well, if we get done in a good time or if I get called in, I'd be ready. It's just to be cautious baby."

"Mhm. You've been acting really weird this week Alex. You aren't hiding something from me are you?" I ask nervously.

"Baby," she kisses me reassuringly, "stop being so suspicious. I'm not doing anything for you to be suspicious I promise. I just love you and I want to expresss that to you and I'm really excited about officially moving in with you and starting our future." She kisses me again and smiles that gorgeous smile I never get tired of seeing.

"Ok baby. I'm sorry." I check my phone. "I have to go so walk me out please." We walk out to the garage and we see the slick back Ninja 500 in the spot of where my jeep used to be. Alex fell in love with the bike immediately seeing it as soon as we walked into that bike shop and we got it and brought it home within the hour. She's still a little nervous riding it but she's been doing good driving to and from work this week and I'm proud of her.

"Have a good day at work baby. I'll see you when you get home." She says opening and closing the door for me.

"Thank you baby. I will text you as soon as I get in the office." I say kissing her good bye. "I love you."

"I love you so much."

I drive off to work still a little worried she's hiding something from me and I'm trying not to think the worse but she's been acting way off. I make it in and see Malin walking towards me with her usual notebook and phone at her ear talking. "Phillips says he's been trying to call you for the past 5 minutes about a contract to sign with VS what do we do?" She asks.

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