Sami's Punishment

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"Are you sure you wanna do this?" David asked, wondering if this was a good idea.

"Yes! I'm sure, it's just a prank- come on!" Amber pleaded with him, wanting to pull this prank

"Alright, Alright, I'll do it" he said, sitting down on the bed

"Great! Thank you" She said, also sitting down on the bed, as they heard the car pull up- they got under the covers and started to bounce around, Amber moaning loudly as they did this

Sami walked into the living room, looking around to see if his wife was around

"Babe! I'm home!" He called, not seeing her anywhere- he began to walk upstair, when he heard some noises- he walked to the bedroom door, knocking on it

"Babe? You in there?" He didn't get a response- so he slowly pushed open the door, and immediately fell into shock when he saw the 2 lumps under the bed, the clothes on the floor, and the noises Amber was making

"What is going on?!" Sami screamed, making Amber pop out from under the covers, only in her bra and shorts

"B-babe! You're early!-" she jumped up, walking over to him, David came out from under the covers, Sami's eyes immediately going over to him, Amber tried to step into his line of view- but it was already to late

"Who the fuck is that?!" Sami yelled, looking at Amber

"H-hes noone!- babe--" she tried to hug him but he pushed her away

"DONT call me babe! I can't believe you'd do this to me.." Sami's eyes felt with tears "I thought you loved me- Was I not good enough for you?!"

"B-babe- you're more than enough" she tried to plead with him

"Then why cheat on me?!" He screamed back at her

"I.." she stammered, not knowing how to respond

"...We're done." He walked out of the room, heading down the stairs- Amber chased after him

"Babe!! We can talk about this- please!-" she headed after him, but he didn't respond "Babe! Wait!-"

Sami whipped around, tears running down his face "What do you want?!"

"It was a prank.." Amber looked at him, hoping he would believe her

"A prank?.." He gave her a confused look

"The guy up there is David, one of my friends.. I set this up as a prank.."

Sami ran over to her, wrapping his arms around her body and sobbing into his shoulder

"Babe.. im sorry- I didn't think I'd go this far.." she held onto him, rubbing his back

"It's okay babe.. but--" He held onto her shoulders, looking into her eyes

"But?.." She looked up at him, concerned

"I will be punishing you~" He then dragged her up the stairs, her pleading with him the whole way

"B-babe-" she stammered, once at the top of the stairs he picked her up, holding onto her ass and kissing her- she kissed him back, moaning softly into the kisses, he brought her into the bedroom, where David was still sitting on the bed-

"Uh-" He looked at them, watching as Sami and Amber made out, with Amber in Sami's arms

Sami stopped for a second and looked at him "Sorry- Can you come back another time? This naughty girl needs punished~" Sami said, pushing Amber against the wall and kissing on her neck, making her gasp softly

"Yeah man, Have fun-" David said, walking out of the bedroom and shutting the door behind him

"Babe~" Amber moaned softly, As Sami carried her over to the bed and placed her down, then walked over to the drawer next to the bed- he pulled out a box, carrying it over to where amber was and placing it on the floor

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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