Sex with first brother

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  I kept having sex with one after another every day. Even that 10th brother who always likes studying every day had sex with me. We didn't even interact much.

  He said he likes my waist and that's the reason he was attracted to me. God, what a reason. I don't think much about my waist myself.

  My first brother turn was the last one. We had somewhat of a close relationship. Since he just listens to every request of mine.

  I don't know how to interact with him now.
He came with breakfast and some clothes. He told me to bath and have breakfast.

  I was little disappointed that he was going to have sex with me. I went to bath and dressed myself with the clothes he brought. It was normal linen clothes and it was comfortable.

  When he asked me to eat breakfast, I shuddered, remembering the times I acted lustfully every single time.

  He smiled at me as I continued eating the breakfast. It was normal food. I was thinking maybe he had different time he would like to have sex.

  After I finished the food, my first brother sat in a chair across me while I was in the bed.

  Then he said, " I want to feed you normal food, not an aphrodisiac. But you need to have sex with me willingly yourself.

  I will convince all other brothers if you do it willingly, if not you will keep having aphrodisiac until all others don't want to feed you aphrodisiac anymore themselves.

You only have this chance and I will wait for your answer until dinner time. "

He smiled at me while I was appalled with his sudden announcement.

  I didn't know what to do. While I was drowned in my own thoughts thinking how manipulative this guy is, my first brother gave me a look, "Listen, it is better for you to just listen to me and make this deal with me.

  I think you read all the rules that you were informed right?

   I will help you if want to wear clothes, fed normal food or even going out of this room or outside.

You only have to do things for you as is the case in the past, I don't want to change few things you see?"

  I rubbed my nose after hearing what my first brother had to say. I say this is simply manipulating me while knowing what I want and I have no choice.

  He looked at me teasingly as if I was going to do just as he said.

  I don't want to have sex with him willingly. I didn't want to do as he said. I didn't decide immediately.

  He said he will return in the afternoon with lunch and left the flat.

  I was just staring at the room. Do I really have to do as he said?

  Maybe it will be easier to do as they said  until their guard is down. I could get of this house then be free.

  My leg was still tied up to the bed. I really want to get up out of this home. I decided I will do as he said for now.

In the afternoon, he came with lunch. It was normal food. I guess he will give me dinner with or without aphrodisiac depending on my decision.

  I am used to sex by now anyways. I will just say I will have sex with him.

I after I had lunch, I tried saying that I will have sex with him but couldn't bring myself to.

  My heart was not willing at all. He left while I just kept my mouth shut.

  I blamed myself for not opening my mouth and acting on my decision.

I was under a long monologue with myself that I let a opportunity slip even though it was really something good for me.

  I practiced myself saying decision while saying it out loud so that it won't hesitate this time.

  Time passed and then he came in the evening.

My first brother said "Now, this is the last chance to tell your decision. If you just keep silent then I will just bring you aphrodisiac food and not let you have clothes."

  I was little angry but I told him I would have sex with him. I wasn't able to tell a lot but at least I told him I would have sex.

  He smiled and asked me to take my clothes myself. I was not expecting him to ask me that.

  He said " you need to act upon your decision otherwise I won't be convinced. "

  I took a look at his sly face while he was smiling.

  I decided to just take off my clothes. I was trying to act as calm as possible but my hand were trembling while I was unbuttonimg my shirt.

  I trembled less as I took of my shirt and my pants. I looked at him embarrassingly.

  He approached me and reached out to my underwear, " You didn't take off your underwear. Fine, let me take it off myself."

  I held his hand that was about to take off my underwear. He gave me a stern look.

  I removed my hand while he took off my underwear.

  He proceeded to spread my legs and use lube on my hole.

  I was way too embarrassed as I didn't have aphrodisiac now. My face was red.

  I covered my face with my hand but my first brother removed them, "Don't close your face, I need to see you."

He stroked my blushed cheeks and was trailing along my lips.

  He kissed me deeply while sucking on my tongue. After he was done with loosening my hole, he started thrusting with his cock.

We had sex in the evening and it was late at night when we were done.

  I went to the bath and he brought me a light dinner and another set of clothes.

  I didn't feel great about my decision. I just wore my clothes and ate the dinner.

He said the house guard will bring clothes and food for me from now.

  There is no specific time as to when the brothers will have sex with me.

  I asked when I will be let out of this room.

He raised his eyebrows and replied "it depends" and left the room.

== To be continued



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