The Circus

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[Jump cut to a title card: NOW....]

[Stolas blinks awake, groaning in pain. He's lying next to a bottle of absinthe. He's still wearing his outfit from Ozzie's, though now his mascara is running down his cheeks. He goes and takes his pills which are labeled "Stolas' Happy Pills". He turns on his phone and scrolls through his photos which is a series of pictures of Blitzo or things related to Blitzo. Stolas begins to sing.]


♫ Owl in a cage ♫
♫ You show your age ♫
♫ Your sweetness has run foul ♫

♫ Without a change you're lost, exhausted ♫
♫ By your time on stage ♫

♫ Then you walked in my room ♫
♫ And like sparks in the dark ♫
♫ Life was suddenly thrilling and new ♫

♫ What between you and I ♫
♫ Just a comfortable lie ♫
♫ I'm the fool who believes when you look in my eyes ♫

♫ Prince, all alone, upon your throne ♫
♫ Your power is so frail ♫
♫ You raise your voice ♫
♫ You have no choice ♫
♫ Inside your gilded jail ♫

[The noise of footsteps; Stella walks up behind him being dramatic on the balcony.]

Stella: The fuck are you doing?

[Stolas flinches slightly while Stella yells,]

Stolas: *without looking back* Reflecting.

Stella: Well, stop. It's annoying to hear you screeching your silly woes all the time.

Stolas: Why are you still here? You leave with Via on weekends, but then you stay around the house despite everything.

Stella: I like tormenting you. I want to keep reminding you of what you did.

[Unbeknownst to them, Y/N in his Demon form is above the two arguing Goetia's watching to whole thing play out]

Y/N in thought: Okay, that's were she crosses the line!

Y/N in thought: Okay, that's were she crosses the line!

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Stolas: I know what I did. I would feel bad if I hurt you, but we both know I didn't do that. You and I were arranged for one reason; to birth a precautionary heir to the Goetia family, nothing more. I tried so many years to make it comfortable for us; to have this family, but it was never enough. The only reason I have endured your constant insults and cruelty was for that girl to have a normal life. ...I cannot do this anymore. I want you out. Now.

Stella: What do you mean, out?

Stolas: I mean out! Out of this palace, out of my life! We are getting The Divorce!

Stella: How dare you?!

[She steps forwards as Stolas shrinks backwards looking slightly frightened of her.]

Stella: What do you think the rest of the Goetia family will think?

[Her hand moves towards Stolas to backhand his face.]

Stella: Andrealphus-!

[Stolas catches her hand, stopping it before it can hit his face and cutting her off.]

Stolas: I don't care what your arrogant brother thinks! And the only thing the Goetia family wanted from our marriage is already 21, so, it's over, I'm DONE!

[Stella stares intensely, then pulls her hand away from him in a silent rage.]

Stella: Fine. I have no desire to stay in the place of a traitorous embarrassment. You have fallen from what little grace you had, and I know you'll pay for it.

????: I don't think so!

Stella: Huh?

[Y/N jumps down in front of her, startling Stolas]

Stolas: Y/N, were you listening to us?

Y/N: (turns to him) Yep

Stella: (furious) WHO IS THIS LOW-LIFE IDIOT!

Stolas: (smirks) Stella, that's no Demon, that's Y/N Fallen

Stella: (confused) WAIT WHAT!

[In a sudden flash, Y/N transforms into his True Form, he sprouts his gigantic wings and looks down at Stella as lighting illuminates from his hands]

Stella: (terrified) Y/N F-Fallen, God of Hell, what are you doing here?

Y/N: I was coming by to spend time with Via, but I heard yelling so I decided to check it out

Stella: How do you know Via?

Y/N: (shows her the ring) Me and your daughter are married

[Stella stared at the ring in shock, knowing he was telling the truth as she has seen Octavia wearing a wedding ring, but wasn't sure why at the time]

Y/N: (demonic voice) Now GET!

Stella: Y-y-yes m-my lord

[Stella walks away in fear. Stolas lets out a sigh of relief, collapses onto the balcony and looks up at the sky before he looks at Y/N.]

Stolas: Thank you Y/N, that could've gone a different way if you hadn't stepped in

Y/N (turns back into demon) ahh don't worry Stolas, as long as i'm here, nobody's gonna even think about trying to kill you

[The spindle horse runs and forms the company logo as the instrumental from 'Stolas Sings' plays in the credits.]

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