Is he really alive?

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Here is the story! 









(Ines pov..)

I was walking inside the church with my parents and my 3 sisters. It was sunday service. I'm a protestant christian and so are my sisters. The church is like my second home. You could say that i grew up there. 

Sam, my mom is very dear to her faith. When we were little, she would always read the Bible with us and share some verses. She is born protestant christian.

Then you have my dad, Marc. He was never really concentrated on his religious life. Also he is born as a catholique christian but then changed into a protestant.

I'm Ines. As i said i'm a protestant but...sometimes i'm unsure about my religon. My whole life i've been thinking if this was the true way. Did Jesus really died for us? Did Eva really ate the fruit and left the gardin? Did God really did miracles?

These toughts danced trough my whole life in my mind. That's why i never really was into it. I would always say "oh i'm just 12! i have so many time left!" or "When is this prayer done?".

Even if my mom always told us to "believe". I know..i just needed proof.

As i walked in, I saw a group worship. That's a thing i always loved about church. The singing. I loved singing to.

The sunday service was done. Mom began.

"Wow the pastor preached really well today huh?"she said.

"Yes..yes.."my dad responded sleepy.

"How do you say yes.?You were sleeping.."she responed while and lowered her eyebrows.

"Honey..I don't wanna start a fight now.."Dad sighed.

"Well! It's rude! Why can't you just give your life to God. When i say were going to see family and see ur brothers then u are super happy and you will not even close a eye in the car! But when it's for Sunday service that just takes 2 hours, oh! everyone did not sleep well at night! One day you'll regret it and i'm still praying for you!".She said angrily.

Dad just rolled his eyes and ingored it.

Me and my older sister Mary gave each other a nervous side eye and then looked away.

We all arrived home. I went into my room. I shared one with my sister Samantha, who is 10 years old. I took of my church dress and went into the bathroom to wash my face.

When i was done, i grabbed my phone to watch some tiktok video's. Then this video came on my phone. It was talking about Satanism.

The video was saying that Satan loved us and that God wanted us to fail. Of course! I didn't believe it but this little voice came into my mind saying "How can u be sure about that?". I kept thinking. Is God really alive? Did Jesus died on the cross and all our sins are forgived? Is he even alive?. 

Then i just stopped thinking. I scrolled the video and saw another weird video, talking about Islam

I always tought that Islam was a beautiful religon. On the other side it made me unsure about my religon. Is my religon the true way? 

I also had a lot of muslim friends. Most of my friends were muslims. They would always say "bismillah" before eating or doing something. One time they even go praying and i just didn't go because i'm christian.. 

I just skipped the video. I looked at the clock and it was becoming very late so i had to do my homework.

Since i have a computer in my room. It always distracted me when i was doing homework. So sometimes i could watch some of my favourites series, youtube, people going romantic, tiktok snapchat..

You can say i have two different sides of my self. The christian side and the bad side. You can compare that with two clothes. A new one and a old one. A new life and a old life. Eternal life or death..

I also had obsession. I was obsessed with the movie Encanto, Miracoulous,..All that was magic and things. 

Anyway i just continued studying and then go sleep for the next school day. Before going to sleep. Me and my family would always pray together. 

Praying was something weird for me..When i was little, mom always said that praying is like talking to God but he wasn't responding? That was weird for me.

Growing up, I started to pray, but wasn't really concentrated on the prayer. I tought about what i was going to do next or my math test that was coming up the next day.

Mom assigned me to pray. 

I started..

"Lord, our god. I'm standing in front of you to thank you."

"I wanna thank you for today, for waking me up,, for waking up my family."

"I'm blessed to have my eyes open because there are kids my age who have to work, who are dead, who doesn't even have parents and it's not like i'm more special then them it's your grace."

"I want to confide in you this night. We don't know what will happen this night but you now it, Lord. Make that the blood of Jesus flow on this house and that your angels camp around us."

"Forgive us, God. We are sinners and we know it. Have mercy on us. Also help us to forgive our enemies. Help us to have a big heart like yours, Lord. We need you and you are the only true God.

"I have prayed"


Then we all started to say the prayer Jesus teached us. The our father prayer.

We all started.

"Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed by thy name; thy kingdom come; they will be done; on earth as it is in heaven."

"Give us this today our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us."

"And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from devil."

"For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory, for ever. Amen."

Then we all opened our eyes. I left the room to shower and my mom covered my little sisters up.

I quickly went to shower and started to study again, i mean playing on my computer..

"Ines, are u studying?"mom asked from downstairs.

"Yes yes! i have a lot tomorow!"i responded.



playing on computer, watching things that you don't have the permission to watch..


Do we realize how much we sin in a day?

Knowing it  or not knowing it?..


Verse of this charpter!

Proverbs 3:5-6 - Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

God bless you all!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2024 ⏰

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