Unseen Threads

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"When a stubborn heartbreak leads to an unexpected digital connection".

Kaya is a school going student of std 11 . She is very cheerful, happy to go girl, and she was a topper student of her class. Kaya was very much into dancing, reading novels and fictional characters.
Kaya's parents were very strict towards her studies and they don't like boys in kaya's life.shehad a best friend Sharmistha and they share a bond like sister's.

Sourav was her boyfriend who was in std 12th with whom she was madly in love.They were in a relationship from past 6 months and Kaya thought that he was the one she wanted to spend her whole life.kaya and sourav was in a happy relationship. They went for many dates,even in school they were finding the reason to meet each other , they ate their lunch together , they were in there own dreamy world of school life romance. Kaya's exams were over and sourav was left with his board exams,kaya happily departed with tears in her eyes after saying that they will meet each other soon.

She:Sourav I love you and I'll come back within 10 days.
He: I love you too Kaya, pls enjoy your vacation and don't come back early.
She: I'll miss you sourav.
He:I'll miss you too Kaya please remember me with your every breathe.
She: (blushes)
He:He held his hands pushes her against the wall of the backside of library , grabs her waist, looked into his eyes and was going to kiss her.
She: Ewwww, sourav you smell like a rotten fish after playing football I won't hug you. ( blushes)
He: Mmm, then just give me a kiss.
She: she went towards his lips slowly gasping, and kissed in his cheeks and ran off.
He: Kaya this was cheating, how can you do this you'll come after 10 days.
She:Wait, For 10 days then, I'll give you a proper kiss.
He: I can wait for an eternity if you'll say like this ran behind Kaya.
(They told their goodbyes and left)

Kaya went to her aunt wedding in her vacation and sourav met with an accident.
Kaya was unaware of the accident that sourav had met with because she didn't have her personal cellphone. After the school reopened, and the terminal break ends, kaya went straight to sourav after listening from his friend that he met with an accident.
She ran towards sourav and was shocked when tanisha was sitting on the lap of sourav.Tanisha was sourav's best friend.She went straight and slapped sourav.
Rohit, friend of sourav's explained that when she was attending her aunt's wedding and sourav met with an accident tanisha was the one who took care of sourav and they were attracted towards each other in this process and came into a relationship.
Kaya cursed sourav for his behaviour and told to never show his face again and went downstairs and started crying.

Kaya was heartbroken and deepdown she blamed herself for sourav's mistake that she wasn't there for him that's why sourav was lonely and he cheated on her.

Kaya started to distance herself from everyone in the real world even with her best friend.
Kavya opens a account on social media.
She started talking to many boys with a fake identity to overcome her heartbreak. She is now very active in social media .
Her brother kunal came to know about this and was very angry with her he came and confronted her about her behaviour.
She told her brother about her prior relationship and told her she was very lonely She doesn't want to get in a relationship now but she want a guy whom she can talk to and share her feelings with the people whom she doesn't know and preferably they will also not know her identity .
she pleaded :please bhaiya don't tell to maa i will not misuse my personal details with anyone in social media please let me use my account.

Kunal agreed to kaya and told my little sister if you ever face these situation again I am always there for you but don't use these social media accounts to overcome with your heartbreak and left giving her personal space.

Kaya had sent a friend request long ago to Aarush rai and his bio shows the location patna, Bihar. So she definitely knew he was very far away from her and can never reach to her.and despite her brother warning she texted him.

She saw a text " Aarush rai had accepted your friend request ".
She texted:"Hey Aarush!. "
(As she was very stubborn and hated getting ignored she thought if he did not reply within 5 mins she would unsend the message)
He texted:"Hii, do you know me?. "

Amid the hum of notifications and the glow of screens, this is were the story of Kaya and Aarush began.

(Stay tuned for next chapter)

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