Intros/descriptions (Important!)

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Eve is a strikingly beautiful young woman, her short blonde locks framing her delicate features in a soft glow. Her eyes, a mesmerizing shade of violet, seem to hold depths of mystery and wisdom. While she exudes confidence and charm in the presence of others, there is a subtle shift in her demeanor when she is with her dearest friend, Lilith. It is in Lilith's company that Eve reveals her true vulnerability, shedding the layers of her tough exterior to expose the tender heart within.
Renowned in her kingdom as a formidable warrior, Eve is a member of the elite special guard entrusted with the protection of the prince. Her skills on the battlefield are unmatched, her movements swift and precise like a dancer in combat. Yet beneath the steel of her armor lies a gentle soul, yearning for connection and companionship. And in Lilith, she finds solace and companionship unlike any other, a bond that transcends duty and honor.

In the realm of the royal court, Lilith reigns as the prince's most trusted confidante, their unbreakable bond tracing back to the innocent days of their youth. Their friendship is a rare treasure, envied by many, including the alluring Eves. With her short, sun-kissed locks and eyes the color of precious emeralds, Lilith exudes a refined elegance and grace. Always by the prince's side, her presence is a constant source of comfort and strength. Rumors swirl through the court, suggesting a romance between Lilith and the prince, causing even Eve to question the nature of their relationship between her and Lilith.

Henry (Prince)

In the kingdom, the prince reigns with a gentle and noble heart, his kindness and generosity unmatched. Among all his companions, his bond with Lilith, his dearest friend, shines the brightest. His hair, a vibrant shade of red, matches the intensity of his fiery ember eyes, reflecting the depth of his emotions. Despite the watchful eyes of Eve, he often steals away to spend time with Lilith, their friendship a source of solace and joy. The rumors circulating about their relationship go unaddressed by the prince, who simply laughs them off with Lilith, their connection unbreakable and pure.

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