The Perfect Night (To Say Goodbye)

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The concert came to a close and Olly was left to do his speech.

“As you can tell, this is the last gig of my final tour...I’d never dreamt of getting this far, and it’s all because of you out there” he pointed to the audience, “Thank you, thank you so much for being a part of me; thank you for supporting me and following my dream with me. I love you all so much, whether you’ve been here for me from last week, last year or right from my X Factor audition. I wish I could hug you all so tight and thank each one of you personally for every little thing you’ve done for me...I was your Olly, I still am your Olly; I always will be your Olly, but for now...” the tears were flowing uncontrollably down his face, “Goodbye”. He watched silently as the crowd started to leave; some of them crying.

“Thank you, Olly” a girl called up to him as she left.

“No, thank you. Stay cheeky, keep smiling” he replied as cheerfully as he could; trying to smile.

He stood there for a while, remembering all the highlights of his career. This was it. The moment he’d been dreading: The end.

Soon, the arena was empty, and each of his band mates came up to say farewell.

“Don’t forget me” he pleaded, not caring about the state he was in. They shared a final group hug, and one by one, each of them left, leaving Olly completely alone.

He sat down right in the middle of the stage, and resting his head in his hands, he began to sing softly...

“This is the perfect night, the perfect night... to say goodbye”

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2013 ⏰

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