And God our creator said:
Is not good that the man stays alone.— Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit and The Father.
— Reyo: Hi my love, what happened?.
— My love: They said that you had an arm less; But it was arranged to maintain the trap of the fight of Naruto against Neji.You know that I don't like traps.
— Reyo: Yes, you and me are simillars in that as well.
— My love: Please, seal your arm and face that devil,...
— Reyo: Buzzer, is that the name of the angel?.
— My love: I came temporarly, I knew that you were talking with Itachi and Shikamaru, you know that I care about YOU.— Reyo breaths a little angry: Yes I know that they are planning deeper things after that. Thank you I will talk with Jesus and face them.
— Reyo: Jesus, who was responsable of that? Before the dream I saw a demon that was trying to hide from me.
— Jesus of Nazareth: The bad manager.
— Reyo: Thank you.
Buzzer the angel of time, A FALLEN angel; Called by God as:
THE BAD manager.....
Reyo (Me) The angel of Mysteries
God's angels army Commander.----
— Reyo: Your name is Buzzer, and you believe that you have the own of the time. But tell me something that Metatron ones was asking:
Who taught you?.
— Buzzer: Does it care?.
— Reyo: Yes, or maybe I should ask you your name again. Because if you don't recognise who taught you; Then you certainly are not grateful.
— Buzzer: That's out of context, and, I can't even see you.
— Reyo: Haha, you are the angel more negative that I have seen; I haven't heard even an owl since I saw you, but you look exactly as an owl. Would you mind answering at least the reason of this? If you know it.
— Buzzer: I know it, I am an angel, not an owl.
— Reyo: Then Why do you appear to me and to many as a fallen angel. Tell me and to Jesus if you can.
— Buzzer: I sent him to prisson. That's the only thing that matters.
— Reyo: Wao, you "sent" Jesus to prison; Ok, if you are so sure; Just tell me if you know what is a clock, or maybe cordure.
— Buzzer: You are trying to make me loose my patience? You wont, looser.
— Reyo puts his eyes in rest —
— Reyo activates the transportation hability ...—
— Reyo: NOW YOU CAN SEE ME right?
— Buzzer gets transportated to my arena and feels smaller than me —
— Buzzer: Wh... what is supposed that happened?.
— Reyo: you didn't send him to prison, he made himself like if was so, and sent YOU to prison bad manager. Or should I SAY: Judah.
In the name of Adonai, who is very angry with you and Peter (Itachi); I send you both to the last judgement!
— Buzzer vanishes of my front and goes automatically walking alone —
— Adonai: Thank you Reyo.
— Reyo: Not a problem.
— Adonai:
He can't love money and God at the same time;
Because he would despite one and love the other.
The intersterlar battle - Jesus, Reyo's Unknows army vs Apolion's army
SpiritualWhen Reyo finishes his job as a king 7 years after was chosen another king on the earth. Reyo; Was not in the same level as him, so the city, the town, the country was suffering because of the gula, abominations and permissive way of being of that k...