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"You mean to tell me you did fucking WHAT!?"MUSIC DIRECTORCAMP MEMORIES - Sybil overcame her fear of open water

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"You mean to tell me you did fucking WHAT!?"
CAMP MEMORIES - Sybil overcame her fear of open water.
NOTES - Sybil has first responder training. She has a sprained left wrist.


"'You should be a counselor at summer camp Abi

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"'You should be a counselor at summer camp Abi. You'll learn how to interact with people better and you'll have loads of fun and make friends for life.' So sick of people telling me..."
RELATIONSHIP - 7/10 - Sybil thinks Abi is really sweet, and is often impressed by her art skills. Sybil wants to get closer to Abi. Abi thinks Sybil is really pretty, and has a great voice. Abi wants to get closer to Sybil.
CAMP MEMORIES - Sybil and Abi swapped jobs during a camp day. Neither had any clue what they were doing in their respective classes that day.
NOTES - Abi has a crush on Nick


"I'm always hot, pencil dick

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"I'm always hot, pencil dick."
RELATIONSHIP - 6/10 - Sybil thinks Kaitlyn is really funny, but that she could sometimes be a little nicer. Sybil wants to get closer with Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn thinks Sybil needs to let loose a little, and she thinks that Sybil is very pretty. Kaitlyn wants to be nicer to Sybil.
CAMP MEMORIES - Kaitlyn and Sybil pranked Dylan in the radio hut on the second day of camp. Kaitlyn and Sybil dumped a bucket of icewater on Jacob while he was showering.
NOTES - Kaitlyn has a crush on Ryan

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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